Spring Bouquet

We’ve had some cheerful flowers in the kitchen this week, a reminder of our Easter celebration.

Naturally I had to take some pictures.

I find myself doing this for two reasons:

One, to preserve the beauty, capture the memory, remind myself how much I have to appreciate.

Two, to practice using my camera.

Shallow depth of field and aperture is something that really fascinates me, and flowers are a fun subject to learn on.

They sit still much longer than my children do.

This little exercise also helps me look more closely at my flowers.

I always walk away marveling.

Did you know that fresh flowers in a home really do make people feel better?  Did you know that people who buy flowers for themselves tend to be happier?

It certainly works for me!  Food for the soul…

Hope your weekend has been lovely!

Hopeful Homemaker


  • I couldn’t agree with you more! Something happens when you look through the lens of a camera and everything in your periphery disappears. You’re just there in the moment, focusing on the marvel in that little rectangle. Just you, and it. I love that you’re looking so closely..I do that too and it deepens my sense of wonder every time. You sure are doing really well learning how to use your camera! Those pics are beautiful! Thank you for sharing them. What kind of camera do you have? Do you have a macro lens? Hugs, kate

  • I agree, I think I need some flowers around here and soon! You are doing awesome with your camera! I think you would find you would really love to have a white balance filter – you would be amazed what a difference it makes. xo

  • What great pictures. And I have to agree on your thoughts about flowers and taking pictures of them. Love it!

  • jennifer

    How nice of you to visit again! I don’t have a macro lens, but would love one. The camera I use is a Canon Digital Rebel XTi. I really like it but I’ve still got a lot to learn. You’ve got some great photos on your blog, what do you use?

  • jennifer

    Ok, so what is a white balance filter? What kind of difference does it make?

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