This Lovely Morning
I’m slow again, so many things needing attention. And yet… I sit at a desk in my bedroom with the open windows behind me. A slight breeze flows in, bringing with it the refreshing scent and temperature of morning air. A woodpecker is hard at work in a nearby tree, doves coo, and a hundred other birds chirp the good news of a new day. And spring.
On my desk are my scriptures, notebooks, a picture of us at the temple with Emmeline, an old photograph of the interior of the Salt Lake Tabernacle, a few books that represent creative yearnings. There is a new framed quote, lettered by Lindsay Letters , of the hymn that has stopped me in my tracks for years:
“take my life and let it be consecrated, Lord, to thee…. take my moments and my days, let them flow in ceaseless praise.”
This hymn was sung at my mission farewell. I am so pleased now to read these words and have that beautiful prayer on repeat in my mind. This is where I sit each morning to study, reflect, journal, plan, feel. I do it here, with these reminders.
But today there are lilacs.
A beautiful branch, covered in tiny flowers and gorgeous green leaves, and a scent that fills me with joy. Lilacs from the bush I planted on the side of the house.
Fresh flowers – in my house – from my own yard.
Just like the ones I delivered last night to some friends (with boxes of lavender shortbread cookies).
This is proof that dreams come true. It feels so luxurious, like something from a novel. But it’s real life, and it’s sitting here on my desk to remind me.
I hope I never get over it.