For the first time in almost 18 months my Sunday evening post is late.
It was a crazy week with feelings of relief and urgency mingling in every area of life. Some things wound down; others revved up. So many things crossed off the list; so many things yet to finish. The end of a school year is always like this.
There were a few moments here and there which were wonderful. I cooked artichokes to go with our dinner on Thursday night and it turned out to be a wise decision. We were all frazzled and tired, but because artichokes take a lot of time to eat, we lingered at the dinner table, discussing far more than we’ve had time for in recent months. I sat back and observed as big kids taught little kids how to eat artichokes. It was a magical moment, a deep breath in the midst of craziness and I savored it.
Friday night we drove to Denver for Memorial Day weekend. I lay in bed Saturday morning listening as all the children woke up in the same room in their grandparents’ basement. Their conversation together in the early morning light made me laugh and filled me with joy. So much of our time spent together is rushed and another great percentage of it is spent refereeing some disagreement. This was precious. It was unrushed, uncomplicated, unguarded. To hear them simply be together, to hear the sleepy (and hilarious) comments from some of them made me bury my face in my pillow and laugh out loud.
We spent the weekend with my parents who are caring for my 90 year old grandpa (written about here ), who had a serious stroke in April. I’ll never forget some of the precious moments we had. It was a special trip, one I’ll always be glad we took.
And so we’re back in Utah, back in the swing of the last week of school, with some things off our backs and others bearing down on us with great intensity. We had a family home evening lesson two weeks ago on finishing strong, working hard right up until the very end so we can look back with pride in our efforts and performance. I’m trying to set a good example for my kids and keep at it cheerfully, even when at 10:30 p.m. someone informs me of a last minute project due tomorrow.
Just a few more days and we’re done, jumping head first into summer life, which has its own brand of busy.
Life is good.