Treasure Hunting in Littleton

Any time you spend 7 hours checking out yard sales, a flea market, and a store that sells the leftovers from yard sales, chances are good that you’ll find something fun.

This is exactly what happened to my parents, sisters and me last weekend.  The above picture is a sampling of some things I picked up.  Don’t worry, the painting is NOT becoming part of my decor.  The frame, however, is.

It’s seen better days, but I only paid $5 for it.  I’ll give it new life with a fresh coat of paint.  It’s going to be beautiful.

This vintage set of eight silver plated goblets will be right at home with my collection of vintage silver.  Later in the day I added a 9th to the mix for less than a dollar.  The size is a bit off, but it fits right in.  If  I can find one more, I have enough for my whole family!  I love the patina of old silver.  So beautiful.

I scored the mirror for only $1.00.  Again, paint will give it a whole new life.  Please don’t ask me to explain why I can’t seem to leave mirrors behind.   They just call my name, I guess.

I found a silver bread plate, a gravy boat, 4 napkin holders, 6 china butter pat dishes (for my little girls’ toy kitchen)  and a couple more silver pieces for a total of $4.00.  The card games were 10 cents each.

I am not a collector of vintage tin canisters, but every once in a while one gets my attention.  I liked the green illustrations of different herbs along the bottom of this one.  I paid 50 cents for it.

I also found a US flag on a nice wooden pole for $2, a pair of crutches for $1 (which my children haven’t stopped playing with yet), and a Littlest Pet Shop set for $2.    I’d say that the best deal of the day went to my sister who found an awesome little dresser for $3.  My favorite find of the day was also $3, but it deserves a post all its own.  I’m excited to share.

It was a fun day full of surprises, good memories, and some fun finds.  I’ll take shopping like this over the mall any day!

Hopeful Homemaker

One Year Old

My littlest one is one year old today.

It is a bittersweet feeling.  I’ve never had one this age and not been looking forward to the next baby at the same time.

I’ve been looking back at photos of her from the past year, marveling at how she’s grown.

My heart is a bit sad to be passing this milestone so soon, and yet…

I am full of gratitude.  Gratitude for her, for the wonder of having her in our family.

My heart is also full of thanks and praise for my Heavenly Father, who has blessed us with her, and has given us enough to make it this far.

The days have been long but the year has flown by.  There is much I haven’t accomplished, but I can say this:

I have loved her.  Our whole family has held her, snuggled with her, marveled at her, enjoyed her every day.

She and I have spent countless moments, just the two of us, looking into one another’s eyes, smiling, snuggling, whispering.  Today my heart sings with joy that I had the sense to treasure those moments.  To treasure her.  My heart is at peace.

Happy Birthday little one!

Love, Jennifer

I am dood.

At our house we eat a lot of oatmeal.  It’s good for you and inexpensive, too.

Thanks to my husband’s example, we often add a spoonful of peanut butter to the oatmeal in addition to a spoonful of brown sugar.

On this particular morning, I asked my two year old if she wanted both peanut butter and sugar.

“Just soogar” was the reply.

To clarify that her decision was just for that day and not a general statement, she added:

“But Mom, I am otay wif peanut butter.
“I am dood wif peanut butter.”

And I thought, “You’re two years old!  Where did a line like that come from?”

She scrunched up her face and smiled at me.
As for me, I’m dood with how cute she is.

Hopeful Homemaker

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