Glimpse of the future

Our oldest child was born 9 1/2 months after we were married.  I’ve had babies and little ones in my life constantly since then.  While I know it isn’t the case, I often feel like I will be in this stage forever, that I will always have a cute little body running circles around me and wiping their nose on my shirt.

I really can’t picture the day when there won’t be someone in a princess dress to carry around.

Yet every once in a while I observe one of my children and see a faint image of them twenty years from now.

As I watched my toddler pick up the hem of her white princess dress and run across the room, from behind I saw her as a bride, holding the hem of her dress to run to the man of her dreams.

As she twirled in the sunlight I got a little taste of the bittersweet feelings that will, one day, be reality.

I get so comfortable with how they are NOW that I feel like they’ll be this way forever, and then one day I realize that they’ve changed.  Today I was reminded that the time will pass more quickly than I think, that I’ll wish for one more day with each of them small enough to hold in my lap to tickle and kiss and rock them.  That sometime soon my arms will be empty and my shirt will be clean.

And I smile through my tears.

Hopeful Homemaker

One Year Old

My littlest one is one year old today.

It is a bittersweet feeling.  I’ve never had one this age and not been looking forward to the next baby at the same time.

I’ve been looking back at photos of her from the past year, marveling at how she’s grown.

My heart is a bit sad to be passing this milestone so soon, and yet…

I am full of gratitude.  Gratitude for her, for the wonder of having her in our family.

My heart is also full of thanks and praise for my Heavenly Father, who has blessed us with her, and has given us enough to make it this far.

The days have been long but the year has flown by.  There is much I haven’t accomplished, but I can say this:

I have loved her.  Our whole family has held her, snuggled with her, marveled at her, enjoyed her every day.

She and I have spent countless moments, just the two of us, looking into one another’s eyes, smiling, snuggling, whispering.  Today my heart sings with joy that I had the sense to treasure those moments.  To treasure her.  My heart is at peace.

Happy Birthday little one!

Love, Jennifer

I am dood.

At our house we eat a lot of oatmeal.  It’s good for you and inexpensive, too.

Thanks to my husband’s example, we often add a spoonful of peanut butter to the oatmeal in addition to a spoonful of brown sugar.

On this particular morning, I asked my two year old if she wanted both peanut butter and sugar.

“Just soogar” was the reply.

To clarify that her decision was just for that day and not a general statement, she added:

“But Mom, I am otay wif peanut butter.
“I am dood wif peanut butter.”

And I thought, “You’re two years old!  Where did a line like that come from?”

She scrunched up her face and smiled at me.
As for me, I’m dood with how cute she is.

Hopeful Homemaker

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