Wildabon Progress Report

We’re almost at that point in late summer when the evenings feel cool and refreshing.  A couple of mornings have felt slightly crisp when I leave on my walk, but that burns off quickly as the sun casts its light across the valley.  I confess I’m looking forward to fall, though it is so short.  I’m ready to live with all the windows wide open again.  While summer’s heat didn’t invite me to stitch often, I have managed a few evenings of applique.  And so, here is my Wildabon progress report.

You may remember the beginning, where I started on the small blue flowers at the top.  I have stitched my way through all the blues, something I did to avoid switching thread colors often.

I was about to dive into the large peach and orange flowers but stopped myself.  It would be terrible to get those done and be thrilled with them, but dread all the little buds around the edges of this quilt.  I tackled those little flowers instead.  I had more than one moment of questioning why I added extra buds to this quilt (answer: to use more Liberty lawn fabrics).  Finished, I’m once again glad I included them.  They are cute.

Now I’m at the point where I have a few sets of leaves still to stitch.  They will go quickly, as their shapes are simple.  Once they’re done I’ll begin the large flowers.  I hope to finish this in the next few weeks.  Hopefully my next Wildabon progress report will be a finished quilt top!


Today I’m wondering how to quilt it.  Originally I considered hand quilting, but I have TWO hand quilting projects that are literally taking me forever to finish, so this one needs machine stitching.  Hmmm.  If you’re unfamiliar with the Wildabon pattern, it’s an applique pattern by Carolyn Friedlander, one of my favorite designers.  I particularly love that this was a collaboration between Carolyn and Leah Duncan, who is another favorite artist.  Creatiivity abounds!  There’s room for so much of it, from all of us.  I love that!

I hope you’re enjoying the beginning of September.  I’m off to stitch a bit.

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