Decades Quilt + Pattern

Who were you ten years ago?  I finished a book recently and happened to skim through the acknowledgments at the end, and last few sentences struck me.  The author finished by writing, “And to the woman I used to be.  Thank you for getting me here.  I’m so grateful for you.”  I’ve been thinking about it ever since.  What would you say to your past self?  What are you grateful for? And who will you be ten years from now?  It’s an interesting thing to think about.  And that’s exactly what I did as I put the final stitches in the binding of my Decades Quilt.

As I wrote about here, this quilt means a lot to me.  It’s a tribute to my cherry tree, and a fun modern take on the tree of life quilt.  It’s also a reminder of growth and becoming someone better.   To make it more fun, I also wrote the pattern, which is now available here.

I had my Decades quilt quilted in large stacking circles, which I wanted to represent fruit.  So much fruit, all stacked up to overflowing.  It reminds me of my cherry tree last summer, so covered in cherries that it looked more red than green.

I bound the quilt in the same blue I used in the border.  I like the way it matches the corner star background.  This Dresden border originated with my Awake Quilt, and I’ve been waiting for the right time to use it as a full border.

I also pulled out a lovely linen blend print I’ve been saving for years to use as backing.  It’s a pretty floral and geometric design which will only get softer with time.  The colors are perfect.

Mostly I’m happy to have my Decades quilt finished.  It’s one of those “me” quilts, very personal, and was also fun to design.  I need to make more of them.  For now, we will enjoy this one while we wait out the winter and hope the cherry tree survives.

Happy sewing!  I hope you’re working on something fun!

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