A Different White

Yesterday the weather was so warm that my children played outside all afternoon, then treated themselves to homemade snow cones.  I was able to begin painting a couple of things that I’m excited to finish.

The painting, however, will have to wait.

Today I’m sitting curled up on the couch in my husband’s favorite fleece blanket.  It has been raining and snowing all day, and our world is slowly turning white.  The temperatures have dropped significantly, and just looking outside makes me cold.

Although I know the precipitation is a blessing, I admit I prefer a different kind of white:

Remember my ranunculus from a couple of weeks ago?

They stayed fresh and gorgeous for over two weeks!   They simply continued opening up, wider and wider and bigger and fuller.  I am in awe of each perfect petal.

Now a couple of them are in my flower press, sure to bring a bit more happiness soon!

flower press

Upon opening the press (an old yard sale find) I discovered some forgotten wildflowers, evidence of a summer’s day gift from my little girls.  The sight made me long for the carefree days of summer vacation.

For now, we’ll keep waiting while we watch the snowflakes fall…


  • us too! Just since everyone left for church we have snow like crazy and about 1/2 inch so far. yikes! I must get some of those ranunculus for myself – I love them! Do they come in different colors? Off to check online about them…. love you.

  • Krisrten

    That is NOT FAIR. The flowers I bought were dead 3 days later. Yep, that’s about how most things go around here for me. 🙂

  • Stephanie

    Oh my goodness! They are perfectly gorgeous! Thank you for sharing them.

  • jennifer

    Em, they come in tons of gorgeous colors! Check out this website to see pictures of fields of ranunculus in Carlsbad CA (recently shared with me by a friend). http://www.theflowerfields.com/index.html They’re in bloom now. In our climate, they’re an annual, but in warmer climates they’re perennials. xo

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