One of the Risks

When you work really hard to edit your possessions, to pare down and use in your decorating only things you truly love…

then only the things you really love will get broken.  It was the only thing on the table and therefore the only thing that could be broken by a whirlwind 18 month old.  My ten year old summed it up this way:  “George is really dead!”

I am sad it happened, relieved she didn’t hurt herself, optimistic that I can glue it well enough to enjoy it a while longer.

Oh well.  Such is life, especially life with children.  I still have that bowl of beads in my bedroom and moments like this as reminders that my children are worth so much more than any THING I’ll ever own or wish to own.

So I gave her a hug and she said a baby “Saaah-yyy” before she toddled into the living room to climb on top of the piano.  Not the piano bench, the piano.

Seriously,  this little girl is like my oldest 7 combined in one toddler.  She’s amazing.

Off to find glue…


More Inspiration

You’ve probably seen the new basement room designed for Stephanie Nielsen of the Nie Nie Dialogues by Alice Lane Home.

I can’t help but look at some of the things I love about this room, especially after falling in love with this room .

First up, there’s a black and white floor here, as well.  I still prefer the chevron rug, but I love the way black and white on the floor gives this room so much personality.  Hmmm.  Perhaps I’m developing a taste for black and white floors?

Secondly, I love the products from Oly Studio.  Love the chandelier, love the table.  They are amazing.  I love the way they take center stage.

Thirdly, I am completely smitten with the wallpaper.

I mean I really like this pattern.

As in, I keep mentally running through a list of rooms in my house in case I can think of one that I could wallpaper in this pattern.  I’ve always avoided wallpaper, but oh man, is this tempting!  (Not that I need another project.  I’ve only got 3,872 laying around the house.)

Fourth, the antique columns (see first picture) are incredible.  I’ve seen that column in the shop, and wished I knew what to do with one.  Now I know.  Split one in half and attach it to the wall like that.  Gorgeous.

Fifth, the fabric on the window shade is beautiful.

Last, that paper covered elephant head makes me smile.

In all, I like it because it’s such a blend of old and new, design and personal taste.  There are a lot of great patterns and colors at work in this room, yet it doesn’t bother my eye.  You’d never know it was in a basement.  I certainly wouldn’t mind if it was in mine!

If you want to read more about the room, visit this post on the Nie Nie blog.  You can also see a breakdown of some prices and sources on products used in the room here .

Do you have a space that has inspired you lately?

Hopeful Homemaker

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