One Step Report #50

The lights are dim and hymns of praise float through the house.  Pillows and Christmas quilts lay strewn on the floor, evidence of tonight’s story time.  With the pressure of school schedules lifted for a while, my husband and I took turns reading to the children.  One by one, heads nodded until three of them were slumped on our laps and shoulders, fast asleep.  Oh, there is much for me to do, but I take a deep breath and blink away the tears stinging my eyes.

This is Christmas.

I hardly know what to say about this week.  It was both wonderful and stressful, rejuvenating and exhausting.  I’ve felt so many different feelings, done so many different things.  I guess the best way to sum it up is simply to say, “It’s December.”

Total steps recorded:  98.

1.  I was able to visit a dear friend and see her precious new baby this week.  She let me hold her little Claire and we had the best talk.   It was just what my heart needed.  Thanks Robyn!

2.  We took our family to see an impressive display of gingerbread houses.  I love looking at them.  The creative use of different candy and other edible supplies is inspiring.  I would really love to make one of my own some year.

3.  I didn’t have time for this, but I had to do it.  I’m running low on chicken in my freezer so I’ve been watching for a good sale.  (You can find more about how I shop for food here .)  It went on sale a few weeks ago at one grocery store, and for some reason I just spaced it and didn’t buy any.  I’ve been praying for another opportunity to buy chicken at that price and it came.  I can’t think of a week when I had less desire to spend time or money on a bunch of chicken, but I prayed for it so what was I to do?  When I prayed for the sale I sort of committed myself to take advantage of it.  I spent an evening chopping up 50 pounds of chicken for the freezer.

4.  I had a breakfast at my home on Wednesday morning to celebrate the birthday of a friend.  A series of small things put me in a position where I could provide either a meal to eat or a clean house, but not both.  I chose the food, and invited my guests into a family room that made me cringe.  It wasn’t easy, but I took a deep breath and decided to ignore the mess instead of dwelling on it.  We had the most wonderful visit and I learned some good lessons.

5.  We attended a piano recital for our four children who take lessons.  I felt pleased with their progress and happy that we’re pressing forward with better practicing habits.

6.  I attended a cookie exchange with many friends from my old neighborhood.  It was nice to see them.

7.  Early Saturday morning I drove to the Salt Lake Temple to attend the marriage sealing for these two impressive young people.  It was an honor to be there.

8. Circumstances were such that I had some quiet time alone while at the temple.  I got to wander a bit, thinking, observing, noticing things.  In the marriage waiting room I also had time to read the scriptures since I knew no one, and I learned some things from the Spirit.  It was good to be still.

9.  On Saturday night I had the assignment to put together the food table for the wedding reception.  I hauled all of my awesome silver platters and cake stands, along with my twelve year old daughter who saved the day, and went to work.  I feel like I did a good job of executing the presentation of the food.  It was beautiful and I heard a lot of good things as I restocked the table throughout the evening.  My daughter and I had a great time.  I was so proud of her work ethic and enjoyed spending the night with her.  We went home exhausted but happy for the chance to serve.

10.  Tonight we took our children to Tithing Settlement with the Bishop.  It was a great opportunity for our family, a way to reinforce true principles for our children, and a way to provide a bit of cheap entertainment for our bishop.  Our youngest two were real charmers while we were there.  (At least they weren’t screaming!)

As I end the week my heart is full.  Life is good.  We are richly blessed.


Taking a Deep Breath…

…to smell the peppermint.

In spite of my sincere efforts I confess that Christmas Stress Syndrome (I just made that up) has weighed heavily on me this week.   So, I’m making a list of all the things I’m worried about and then I’m going to go back and get a whiff of that wonderful peppermint smell sitting in my blue bowl.  All my favorite colors in one place again; how could I not take a picture?

Here goes:
make Christmas cards mail Christmas cards finish gifts for neighbors and friends deliver gifts for neighbors and friends finish planning Christmas activities for children gather all supplies for above activities fold and put away the mountain of clean clothing in my laundry room wash the mountain of laundry my family produces in about 27 seconds get everything ready for the wedding I’m helping with this weekend get everything ready for my daughter’s birthday on Monday finish shopping for the random little things I somehow forgot early in the month wrap gifts pack a family of ten for a week long move trip figure out when to add a 2 hour trip to pick up items ordered months ago but which arrived late clean my house Do you think I can do all that in 8 hours?

Gratefully I have a little girl who can’t stop talking about the Grinch and how he “toodn’t top tristmas from toming” and I’m hoping that Christmas will feel wonderful regardless of what happens to this list.

So now I’m done.  I just might make a cup of hot chocolate and add a spoonful of peppermint to enjoy while I read a Christmas story.  Or not.

But it’s a nice thought.  And it’s pretty peppermint.  And I guess this, too, is Christmas.
So I’m going to smile today and try to enjoy it.


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