One Step Report #41

I loved this sunset earlier in the week.  There is something about watching the sun disappear over the horizon that calms my heart and helps me shift into a slower gear for the evening.  So beautiful.

Here I am, another week gone.  It amazes me how the weeks,  months and years fly, yet how long the days can be.  This was a week of hard work.  Steps recorded:  78.


1.  On a whim, I tore my family room apart on Monday.  As it is right now, there are 2 items that have remained in their original location while the rest is completely different.  I love it.

2.  Tearing apart the family room created a ripple effect around the house, and I’ve cleaned out closets, rooms, etc. ever since.  A large majority of all my “storage” boxes and other containers now house completely different things.  It’s been a whirlwind, and I hope I can remember where things are.

3.  My husband and I went to the case lot sale at a local grocery store and stocked up on many items.  Later in the week as my four year old son was in the basement with his Dad pouring rice into buckets, he said, “Dad, I know what this means.  It means Heavenly Father loves us.”  Amen to that.

4.  I’m on a “finish all my projects before beginning another” kick, and I hope it lasts long enough to make some real dents in my bad habit of not finishing as much as I start.

5.  We had a couple of days off school this week, so we cleaned.  And cleaned, and cleaned, and cleaned.  And it shows.

6.  We had a soccer game in North Salt Lake this week that we found out was canceled…. AFTER we got there.  The other team neglected to pass the info on to my son’s team.  So we turned around and drove home in rush hour traffic with construction on every imaginable road.  Talk about a waste of time and gas!

7.  Yesterday we cleaned out our garage, moved my husband’s tools, and swapped spaces for our cars.  Now we can walk to the refrigerator out there without opening the garage.  Hooray!  We’ve needed to do this for months.

8.  Today I took my eight year old daughter to the Mt. Timpanogos Temple for some pictures in preparation for her baptism.  Oh, I would have loved to have my sisters here to help me!  I prayed it would turn out, and we got several shots that both of us really like.

9.  My husband was awesome and played games with the older children tonight.  Four of them don’t have school tomorrow, so we were especially relaxed.  I appreciate his good example for me.

10.  Sat up late tonight talking with my husband about a thousand little things.  It was awesome.  Now it is very late and I’m dozing as I type.

And so I’m off to begin another busy week.  I wish you all the best in yours!


Patti’s Egg Dish Omelette

This breakfast casserole recipe comes from my mother-in-law, who often prepares it for her family.

I prepared it recently for Sunday brunch (during General Conference) and it was a hit.  It’s a dish you prepare the night before and it only takes minutes to assemble.

Ingredients for casserole:

12 slices bread 1 1/2 cups grated cheddar cheese 2 cups finely chopped ham 12 eggs 3 cups milk salt and pepper to taste Spray a 9 x 13 inch pan with non stick spray.  Lightly butter one side of six bread slices.  Lay in bottom of pan, buttered side up.  Sprinkle ham and cheese over bread.  Butter remaining bread slices and cover ham and cheese, laying bread with buttered side down.   With a knife, cut each slice of bread on both diagonal lines, making 24 small triangles (see picture below).

In a bowl, beat eggs, and milk, salt and pepper.  Pour over bread.  Cover and refrigerate overnight.

Bake for 1 hour at 300 degrees.

Now for the sauce.  Just before taking the casseroles out of the oven, make the sauce.

Sauce ingredients:

1 can cream of mushroom soup 1 cup grated cheddar cheese 1/2 cup milk Combine all three ingredients in saucepan and warm over medium-low heat, stirring constantly until cheese melts.

Serve over hot casserole.

As you can see, this went fast.  I only managed to take a picture of the last half of the second pan!

I really liked having the bread cut before baking.  This made it easy for guests, including children, to serve themselves.

Hopeful Homemaker


Last week, as I was preparing my guest room for company I decided to take a few minutes and straighten up my fabric piles and projects.  What I thought would help me feel better quickly backfired as I sorted through a half dozen unfinished projects and supplies for unstarted ones.

Suddenly I felt completely disgusted with myself and with my life.  What a waste of resources!

One of the piles that made me particularly irritated with myself was the pile of mending.  I went through it, noting a missing button here and a torn seam there.  How is it that I cannot even find time to mend our clothing?!?  Why is it that I didn’t take two minutes to reattach a button when it first came off a year ago?  For that matter, why do I have a mending pile at all?  Why don’t I just fix things as they tear and move on instead of putting them dutifully in the basket?

I looked around, looked at the clock, looked at the pile.   I had housework to do, food to prep.  All of the things that I have to do over and over again each day.  I spend a great deal of my life telling myself that as soon as everything is clean I will tackle the other projects, projects like mending or prepping a craft project for my children and some of their friends.  I looked around and realized that the “other projects” weren’t moving any closer to the top of the list because the daily list of repeats is so long.

So I went through my buttons, matched threads, picked up my needle and went to work.  I mended dresses, skirts, shirts, ties, doll clothes.

I didn’t get the house clean, but I did the mending.  As I sat quietly and went through the methodical steps of fixing things I noticed what a calming activity it is.  In spite of the clutter in other rooms, my heart felt at peace and I felt a certain amount of gratitude for these items which had been so long out of circulation but were now ready to wear once more.  I longed for a life of simplicity, where sitting quietly to mend something is a normal part of life instead of a deviation from it.

I smiled as my two year old squealed with delight at the pink skirt she’s never seen before, smiled as my four year old son proudly put on his “new” tie for church on Sunday (which his older brother promptly ruined again).  It was interesting to watch these items of clothing as they were noticed and quickly put to use in daily wardrobes.

Then, as I went to work on the rest of the house, I thought about how hard I work to maintain the routine so that we can function.  I realized that taking a break to do the mending was actually helpful, as it reminded me that the routine exists to help me, not the other way around.  I am in charge of my time, not the clock.  The daily mess will come as surely as the sun rises, but that doesn’t make me a servant to it.

I’ve been pondering these things ever since.  What can I get rid of?  What can we let go of to make room for a simpler life?  How can I live so that there is time for simple tasks?  Yes, I’ve asked them a hundred times before, but I’m asking them again because I believe the answer is still worth finding.  More difficult to find, perhaps, when they’re buried somewhere beneath the busy lives of 10 people under one roof, but worth finding nonetheless.

How do you do it?


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