One Step Report #36

September.  It’s the month I wish would last three times longer than it does.  Cooler temperatures mean we throw open the windows and welcome the breeze to twist  it’s way through the house, cooling all it comes in contact with.  Late summer.  A season all it’s own.  Can it really be the 12th?

It’s been a great week.  A busy week.  An exhausting week.  A learning week.  A happy week.
Total steps:  86.

1.  We’re making good progress on our after school homework habits.  It seems they have replaced our piano practices, though, and we’ve got to get back on schedule with those as well.

2.  I am working SO HARD during the school days to whip this house into shape and implement a regimented schedule for myself.  I’m giving myself only one morning each week to run errands or do anything outside the house.  The rest of the time we’re at home, spending time with the little ones and working.  It’s starting to pay off, and I’m excited about it.  I have SOOO much work to do around here!

3.  On Wednesday night I taught a short class on a simple program to help you create a food storage plan for your family.  I feel pleased about how it went.  It’s such a privilege to associate with so many women who are doing awesome things in their homes.

4.  As usual, we spent a lot of time at soccer practices and games.  It’s crazy, but really it’s also kind of nice.  It forces me to get outside at the most beautiful time of day,  those dinnertime hours when the sunlight comes slanting down before sunset, casting a golden glow on everything.   I love the way my children look in golden sunlight, the way the colors of soccer uniforms look more saturated.  I also love the way the world sounds at that time of day.  How the referee’s whistle sounds farther away than it really is, the way things are both hushed and more crisp in their sound.  I love the way the sounds of the game and the sounds of my little ones playing at my feet all combine in my ears to make their own sort of music.  It’s a beautiful sound, really, the sound of life being lived.  Standing on the edge, the link between the game and the toddlers, all these sounds and images combine to create a snapshot of this season in my life that fills my heart with satisfaction and gratitude.  I am so very blessed.

5.  Yesterday our yard was full of dust and dirt and noise, thanks to this.

6.  Last night my husband and I attended the Adult Session of Stake Conference, and this morning our whole family was blessed to attend a Regional Conference (via broadcast).  Both meetings were fabulous.  I was amazed to hear that this morning’s meeting was being offered to more than 150 stakes with a potential audience of over 1/2 million members.  Wow.  It made me wonder why I allow myself to sometimes feel lonely when I’m trying to live right.  My husband and I literally soaked in everything that was said.  I came home with a list of marching orders, but also with the great feeling that I have already started working on all of the specific things we were told.  I’m on the right track, and that is a great feeling.

7.  Tonight our family went for a walk together.  When we do this I usually find myself falling back to walk behind them all, observing the motion of the group as well as individuals.  Tonight I marveled a little that they all belong to me, that some of them are so big while others are so little, that we’re such a big group and yet so much smaller than we’ll be when they’re all big.  What a wild ride we’re in for!

8.  My little one is fighting a cold, and had a hard time sleeping this week.  We’ve had lots of snuggle time together.  I love that.  I don’t, however, love that I’ve caught her cold, although my compassion for her is now multiplied since I understand how she feels.  Today it seems to be messing with my ability to talk; my husband burst out laughing when I told him that I’d just been bit by a zucchini.  (I promise the word mosquito was what my brain thought, but somehow my mouth got the zucchini message.  We had a good laugh.)

On that note I’ll wish you a wonderful week and hope that I can fall asleep quickly for some much needed rest.
Take care!


Will You Still Love Me?

I’ve been reading this book a lot lately with my little guy. It’s titled Will You Still Love Me?
by Rick Walton.

It’s the story of a boy who approaches his Dad with a series of hypothetical scenarios.

In each scenario he describes a different mistake or poor choice that he might make, then asks his Dad if he will still love him.

Every time his Dad tells him what he will do to help his son learn from his mistakes and have an opportunity to fix them where possible.  He tells his son that he might feel disappointed, sad, or he might even panic, but each scenario ends with the words, “I will still love you.  I will always love you.”

I love this book.  It is well written and illustrated in a way that makes children want to look at it.  When my little guy and I have had recent conversations about his behavior, this book has been a good reference point for us when I firmly tell him what is acceptable but also tell him how much I love him.  He remembers this book and seems to understand.  The other day he watched someone else make a mistake and said to me, “But we still love him, don’t we Mom.”

I smiled at him and said, “Of course.”

Sadly, it’s out of print, but you can still find copies for a good price if you’re interested.

Hopeful Homemaker

Vintage Tablecloth: Kate Greenaway, Wellesley pattern

I love the grays in this tablecloth.  So subtle and elegant, they’re proof that everything comes back in style again.  The light gray print of a frilly border on this pattern is particularly beautiful.

This 1946 tablecloth, printed by Leacock Prints, is another cloth from the Kate Greenaway collection.  I purchased it new, with tag still attached, but have since removed the tag in order to launder it.  I can’t stand pet hair.  Like the Cornwall piece, this tablecloth is also missing its napkins.  I wonder if the ladies who purchased these in the 40’s had a hard time actually using these commemorative tablecloths.  Most of my tablecloths with tags attached are Kate Greenaway cloths.

This lovely cloth features a simple border of roses and lily of the valley in a scalloped garland around the edges, with a repeat in the center detail.  The leaves are printed in a soft olive green that complement the flowers and the gray beautifully.

The lily of the valley on this piece was what initially caught my eye.  So pretty.

I love the understated elegance of this tablecloth.

Hopeful Homemaker

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