My Hand Up

The school my elementary-aged children attend hosts an annual event called Leadership Day.  It’s a day when students and staff host parents and community members in sharing experiences with leadership.  The school uses a program called the Leader in Me, which is Stephen Covey’s 7 habits adapted for use in a school setting.  I love the exposure my children have to these great principles every single day at school, and I’m trying to use them more at home also.

This year all the students had to complete an art project of their choice for display on Leadership Day.  The theme was “Finding Your Voice”, which is Covey’s 8th habit.  I really enjoyed watching my kids think of ways to share this idea.  One of my daughters entered this piece that she painted on President’s Day , using the image of birds singing to describe how she felt about finding her voice.

My first grader’s project was so sweet.

She’s very loud and emotional at home, but at school is quiet as a mouse.   She’s a perfectionist in her school work and stresses about all the little things.  She’s been slow to make friends, but is learning a lot.  Her reading teacher is in love with her and emails me constantly about what an ideal student she is.  (My husband and I chuckle at this because we also know the rest of her personality, but it’s a relief to know that she is a model child at school.  Sometimes I wonder which is worse, the kid who’s perfect at home and a problem elsewhere, or the child who’s great everywhere but at home?)  She is a little sweetheart, and my heart salutes her because we know how much stress and anxiety she experiences in order to be that model student.

At her student-led conference a few weeks ago she was invited to set a goal for herself.  We chose the 8th habit, and her goal is to have the courage to raise her hand at least once every day and share something in class.  Oh, it made her nervous to write it down, but it is such a great goal for her.  With this goal in mind, she created her piece of art using oil pastels.

Her title:  My Hand Up.

Her description:  I will be brave and raise my hand.  I will share my thoughts.

She had me trace her arm on the paper, which gave it more meaning for her.  It’s her arm, her hand up high.  My heart swelled with love and pride when she showed me the final product.  I love the colorful fingernails.  I’m so proud of her for setting a goal that will truly help her grow.  I’m proud of her for having the courage even to declare the goal.  And I’m grateful for this little first grader in my life.

Hopeful Homemaker

Mothers, Overscheduling and Perspective

Yesterday I was involved in an online discussion about one of the great pitfalls of  motherhood:  over-scheduling our lives and committing ourselves to more than we can sanely handle.

Have you ever done it?  I’m guessing you have.  In fact, I’m pretty sure it’s actually an attribute of womanhood and that you don’t need children to wind up in that place of hearing yourself say “yes” when another part of you is screaming “no.”  It’s just that having children multiplies the opportunities to do this exponentially.

Like many moms, I make a lot of mistakes in this area.  It’s easy to look at opportunities and recognize how great they would be for your child, only to press forward and realize later that the price you’re paying for the opportunity is steep, indeed.  There are so many facets of life that need our attention, so many lives around us that we’d like to touch, so many “good” things to pursue that we can get swept away.

The last few years have been humbling for me.  Adding our seventh and eighth children to our family pushed me over the edge of feeling like I could handle it and into the realm of  drowning.  My youngest two daughters are an absolute delight, and I happily choose them over the feeling that my life is under control.  Still, it’s been really hard for me.  It’s been an introduction to new levels of exhaustion and a constant, nagging feeling of quiet desperation.

I did the only thing I could think of.  I started saying no.  For the most part, all I really had to do was stop saying “I’ll do that.”   I had to consciously, intentionally, shrink my circle of influence in order to focus on the one that matters most to me:  my husband and children.  That essential circle had literally become huge to me.  I was overwhelmed by the magnitude of my responsibilities, both physical and emotional.

I keep hoping and praying that I can find my stride.  Once in a while I feel like I can see the clearing through the trees, but I haven’t reached it yet.  I look forward to that day, and to being able to widen my circle once more.  There really are seasons to our lives and balance means different things in different stages.   While I’m not proud of the fact that my current stage is so hard for me, I know I am focusing on what is most important.  I guess that’s one of the things that comes with a large family.  You have to learn how to choose carefully.  It was easy to let go of the things I didn’t really love but was doing to please others.  It’s harder, much harder, to let go of things you really love.  I’m still working on that.    I ditched the guilt of dropping things like volunteering at the school a long time ago.  My turn will come again, but now is not the right time.

I have five daughters.  Sometimes I wonder what their lives will be like, raising children in 10-20 years.  Looking down the road like this makes me ponder the importance of what I’m doing NOW.  I feel a huge responsibility to be careful now so they have the skills they will need to make wise decisions when it’s their turn to be where I am today.  When I am a grandmother I don’t think I will want to watch my daughters drain themselves for secondary causes.  I won’t want to watch them give their best efforts to things that are nice but not essential.  I will be primarily concerned with the time and efforts they’re investing in their marriages, in their children.  So why would I do with my own time and life the things I hope they won’t do?

Sure, I want them to be happy.  I know that each of them has unique talents and gifts to develop.  I want them to be well-rounded and balanced.  But the truth is, none of us can really “have it all.”  It’s a myth.  Whatever we choose, no matter what it is, leaves something else that we cannot have.   Chasing every “opportunity” we meet can leave us bereft of the “opportunity” to simply stay home, be a family, and play a game of UNO.    Or watch a sunset.  Or read a book.  Or bake cookies together.

The fact is that some stages require greater levels of sacrifice from us.  It makes no sense to pretend otherwise.  The stage when we’re bringing children into our lives and the 18+ years that follow are the years when we need to give the most.  This means going without some things in order to provide what our children need.  It means saying “no” so we can be where we most need to be.  It means being flexible.  It means delaying gratification.  It means a great big gap on our “resume” of great things we’ve accomplished in life, a gap where we may feel we have nothing specific to write, but which really should be filled with something like this:  “36 years spent making the greatest possible contribution to society.  36 years spent loving, training, teaching and preparing another generation to rise up and take its place in our world, prepared to face challenges with wisdom, faith in God and hard work.”  It means learning to fill our cups with the living water of Jesus Christ’s Atonement so we have wells to draw from during the most exhausting days, months and even years.  I need to do these things, do them now, and do them with a smile on my face so my girls understand that this is what it means to be a mother.

I am so grateful I have daughters.  I’m grateful that their presence in my life offers perspective.  This perspective helps me take a deep breath and determine what is essential, what is important, what is nice, and what needs to go.  I admit that on paper it’s easier than in the thick of the day.  If only I could live out the day as simply as I envision it!  But that’s why we have so many days.  I’ve never been a mother before.  I’m a rookie at this.  But I’m glad I passed up something I really liked the other day in a store.  And I’m glad I spent some unplanned time with my oldest two yesterday shopping for soccer cleats.  I’m glad that when I felt ready to cry two days ago while cooking dinner that I chose to recite Isaiah 40: 28-31 aloud .  Not only did I gain composure faster by saying it aloud (over and over again) but my little ones who were “helping” me in the kitchen heard it too.  I’m glad that I’m learning.  And in the learning, I have faith that I’m teaching something of worth.

The world may communicate to us that motherhood is drudgery, that we can’t possibly be happy or successful without doing all kinds of things in addition.  I disagree.

This journey is the greatest honor of our lives.

Someday that truth will be crystal clear.  We may have to take it on faith right now, but it’s still true.  So let’s slow down and enjoy it, shall we?


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