Joy, week 45

There is a rhythm that comes with keeping a home.  When the rhythm is just right, and especially when it’s not in fast forward, there is a peace in it that I’ve never felt in any other setting.    It’s a peace that lends beauty to mundane tasks and turns the rowdy play of children into music.  It expands until the heart is full and with all your soul you hope it never changes.    I experienced that rhythm tonight.

It was brief but beautiful.  I treasured every minute of it.

On the whole, my week was a little on the crazy side.  Several days felt like a series of continuous detours.  Someone forgot their lunch, someone got hit in the face and ended up with a bloody nose that now decorated all of their clothing and could I please bring a change of clothes to school, someone doesn’t feel well at school and needs to go home, the bank made a mistake with our account, on and on it went.   When it started snowing on Friday I prayed silently, “Please let this weather get bad enough that soccer practice is cancelled!”  It did.  So we had one lovely day of no errands, no practices, no events.  YES.

I didn’t choose joy as consistently this week.  Instead I caved in more often to stress.  I was away from home more often and had responsibilities that required extra time and focus.  It wasn’t the kind of week I wanted, but I managed to get a lot done ( mostly because I had deadlines) and enjoyed a few extras as well.  It seems when we have weeks like this it’s harder for me to stay on top of all the homework.  Not that the math homework doesn’t get done or we don’t read books, but that I forget to initial the reading logs and things like that.  Sometimes I feel like those little things all get together so they can turn into a mountain that stares down at me with a big flashing sign to broadcast my failures.  The feeling brings a portion of guilt, and also a flash of irritation and anger.  Aren’t we supposed to be reading for the joy of it, not so we can check it off a list?  But I usually feel that way when I’m stretched too thin.  Which I was.

So I had a few occasions to stand apart from myself, observe what was going on, and ask, “Have I learned anything this year about joy?”  The answer is a resounding YES!  I’ve learned so many little things about feeling happy, like putting a smile on my face, singing a song out loud, doing the thing I’m dreading, that when I do feel stressed I have a bunch of tools in my pocket to fight back with.  When I’m feeling down about things I can’t control, I am quicker to remind myself that I can’t control it and focus instead on something I am able influence.  I know that a huge part of feeling joy is simply a matter of doing what needs to be done and putting a smile on my face.  I have learned so much.

So we got the house clean.  I had a dry pack canning activity in my kitchen.  My brother and his family were in town and we got to see them!  We had guests for dinner and it went great.  I heard Mindy Gledhill sing in a cozy mini-concert.  I got on the phone for a little book group chat with all the women in my family.  I went to another book club meeting and had a great time.  We made a big push in the sewing room and two teenaged girls finished quilt tops to display at a meeting tonight.  (They turned out so great!  I can’t wait to share them tomorrow!)  The kids went on a hot chocolate binge as the temperatures plummeted and the snow whirled outside our windows.  We turned on the fireplace and enjoyed its warmth.  I even snuggled with my three year old on the couch in front of the fire and we both fell asleep.  It was a great week.  Crazy enough to make me feel like lots of important details were slipping through my fingers, but I suppose without it I might not have enjoyed tonight’s perfect rhythm so much.

The coming week is our last full week before Thanksgiving and then, in the blink of an eye, the holiday season will be in full swing.  I have so much I want to do and I’m going to do my best to get it done, but I hope I’ll have the wisdom to slow down when it’s time for that so I can savor the wonder of Christmas.  Only seven more weeks in 2012.  What a thought!

Have a great week!


I was in the mood for a change in the family room, so the nautical style painting that usually rests on the sideboard was retired to the basement for the holidays, and in it’s place I lugged up a very large vintage window that I’ve had for years but haven’t used.

I’m thinking this makes a nice neutral foundation for holiday decorating.  I kind of miss the color on that wall, but the restful neutrals will soon be layered with Christmas beauty.  I’m thinking a wreath would look pretty hanging on the window, or maybe a chalkboard with a favorite quote.   Hmmm.  It will probably take some trial and error to get it right.  What do you think?

It’s snowing outside as I type this.  Snow is so beautiful, but it always makes me feel anxious unless my whole family is home and we don’t have to go anywhere.  That seems to be the only way for me to look outside at winter and feel ok about it.  I also find it’s harder to move through my housekeeping when the skies are gray and the house feels dark.  I’d love to work on a quilt or read a book, but I have two different social events at my house tomorrow so cleaning it is.  My little girls seem bent on mischief today.  Let’s hope I can get this place cleaned up!

Have a great weekend, Hopeful Homemaker

Right Now…

This morning I am savoring the memory of last night’s mini-concert by Mindy Gledhill, performed at a lovely little shop, Dear Lizzie.   I was at the back without the best view, but she sang my favorite song and I loved it!

I’m also remembering the general loveliness of the store (candy counter above) which puts me in the mood to wander around my house and see what I can do to bring more loveliness here.

Mindy also sang some Christmas songs from her album, Winter Moon.   I find myself already in the mood for Christmas even though we have sunny skies and warm temperatures for another day or two.  The arrival of Christmas merchandise in all the stores and the large stacks of catalogs in my mailbox every day probably contribute to this.  I really want to make things for Christmas!  Does anyone else get that itch at this time of year?

Right now I’m grateful for the warm temperatures we’re having;  I dread having to turn on the furnace!

Last night after the concert I sat in the parking lot in my car and talked with my mom, sisters and sisters-in-law about the book we just read for our little book group.   I’m enjoying the group so much.  It’s fun to see what everyone recommends and even more fun to just talk.

Along with the book group, I’ve been using our library for most of the books I want to read.  In the past I’ve purchased most of the books I read because I rarely find what I’m looking for at the library, but I’ve been lucky lately.  The wonderful thing about it is how much reading I’m doing thanks to due dates!  I do wish I could find good quilting books at my library; I have quite a wish list of those.

This morning the stomach ache I’ve had for days (due to the election) seems to have subsided.   It’s nice to feel more normal.

Today I have to pull together and purchase a bulk order of food for people in my neighborhood.  I know it will work out just fine but I feel stressed nonetheless.

My plan to get up an hour early and work on personal goals in the morning is going well.  I’m so happy with what I’ve accomplished!

Mostly, I’m glad I managed to run away for a bit (thanks to my awesome husband!) and see Mindy sing.  It was such a happy highlight.

I’m also wondering what happened to my three and four year old daughters that caused them to suddenly get so quiet upstairs.  Guess I’d better go check!

What are you doing right now?


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