Starlight Lily Scrappy Quilt

Once upon a time I made the Starlight Lily quilt as a pattern tester.  I also made a scrappy version with low volume fabrics, just to see how it looked.  All this while later, I have finally finished binding my Starlight Lily Scrappy quilt.

When I added borders, I broke them up into pieces so I could continue using my low volume fabrics, and because it seemed like a lot of negative space.  Honestly, I’m not sure it was the best decision for this quilt.  A green border would probably have been better.  But that’s part of the journey – trying things to learn from them.  More practice.  We get better.

I do like that scrappy center!  When I quilted this, I had it on my longarm machine and was very much a beginner.  It’s a series of experiments and different stitches.  Some of them too long, some of them with tension issues.  I didn’t even know I was messing up in places.  So it’s quilted, but NOT well.  And yet it’s functional, although I don’t know how much washing the quilting would stand up to over time.  So what do you do with a mostly functional quilt, whose workmanship you’re not proud of, and that you don’t really love?

I don’t know.  And that’s probably why it sat for so long, binding attached but no stitching.  This summer, because I’m tired of the piles that come with unfinished projects, I stitched it down.  Binding finished! I keep a roll of binding scraps to use for scrappy bindings.  This one was fun, and the right binding for the quilt.


Yet the question remains:  what to do with the starlight lily scrappy quilt?  I’d like to donate it to someone, but I also want to give good gifts.  I don’t like gifting something that isn’t my best work.  But I also know that it’s not likely to see use at my house; we have so many favorites already in rotation.  Any suggestions for me?  What would you do with it?


  • Je trouve votre courtepointe très jolie, je suis sûre que vous pouvez la donner pour une petite fille à
    l’hôpital par par exemple. Honnêtement je ne vois pas les défauts, juste les lys et l’amour que vous avez mis dans votre courtepointe !! !

  • jennifer

    Thank you, that’s a great idea!

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