A Year of Habits, no. 34

Well, the first week of school is now under our belts as August draws to a close.   My #6 starts school in the morning.  I hardly know what to think and so I’m trying not to think much about it.   I’m really not sure how it will go.  Will he cry?  Will I cry?  Will we both cry?  Will he just walk right in and be fine?  And if he does walk right in, what will he do on the second day?  The second week?

The week was a good one.  It’s funny how you can run all over the place before school starts, spending hundreds of dollars and then the first week of school comes along and you have to keep going back to the store for this or for that spending hundreds of dollars all over again.?!?  Why do we do this?  I’ve looked around more than once this week and wondered how we let sending the children to school for another year become such a spending blitz.    What happened to a binder, pen or pencil, and paper?

In general I feel good about the week.  I really worked hard.  I worked hard on the house and I worked hard – very hard – at beginning the school year with the kind of schedule and priorities I feel will bring success for my children.  If we can make some of these things stick then we’ll have a number of helpful habits working for us.  I feel motivated and confident that we can build these habits.

My husband and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary this week as well.   It was such a long, busy day that I was ready to cry by the time we actually left the house for a quiet but late dinner together.  He’s my everything.  I love him so much.

It was a great week, but I am oh, so tired.  Off to bed I go…


Love this girl

With the older five back in school, I’m treasuring my last week with the three little ones home all day.  Next week my 5 year old son starts kindergarten, and then this little doll will be my biggest one at home in the mornings.  Gasp!  How did that happen?!?  How is it that I suddenly find myself with just two children at home for 3 hours each day?

It reminds me how little time I have left with all of them.  I’m going to treasure these hours.

And these faces:

Oh, I feel so lucky to have her in my life!

Hopeful Homemaker

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