A Year of Habits, no. 26

Here we are, half way through the year.  Crazy.  I wish I could say I’m half way through my goals, but that is not the case.  Still, in some areas we’re doing much better than we were in January.

It’s also July, the only month of the year when I get my children entirely to myself.  The school year infringes on every other month to some degree, so July is special.

We’ve spent a wonderful week at the beach, with some of the most perfect days I can remember in many years.  The ocean breeze, cool water and endless sand have bewitched us all, making us wish the beach was ours year round.  We’ve slept in cramped spaces and played in wide open ones.  We’ve made memories.  We’ve stopped our share of traffic with our numbers which is always amusing.  There’s nothing like watching people out of the corner of your eye as they count heads and drop their jaws.  It’s like living in the children’s book “Make Way for Ducklings” except that we’re all people.

Most of all I’ve treasured our time on the beach, watching the color of the water change throughout the day, enjoying beautiful sunsets together.  I sighed to myself and whispered, “This is low tide.  Relax and enjoy it.”  And I have.  I’m learning to change gears.   It’s been a wonderful week.

I haven’t worried too much about progress since this is our annual vacation but I can say that I’ve eaten really wisely this week, which feels good.  Life is good.  We’ll soon be back in Utah to experience summer there, but the break has been heavenly.

We’re spending the 4th of July with my husband’s family which will be fun.  I always hate to be out of town for the 4th of July but we’re making our traveling holiday memorable.

I hope you have a wonderful 4th of July!


Celebrating the 4th: Make them think

Our annual Fourth of July breakfast means a great deal to me.  Over the years I’ve realized that one of the reasons I love it so much is the setting.  Our breakfasts involve close friends we’ve made over the years and smaller groups.  We always sit around the table which makes it more formal than a barbecue, which is often what we end up doing later in the day.

Why do I like this setting?  It holds people still and lets me make my guests think.  I often invite people to come prepared to share a quote, a thought, or something they appreciate about the United States of America.  It’s a great way to start the day and sets the tone for our holiday.

Sometimes I place a card at each place setting with a quote or question intended to prompt discussion and make us think.

This 4th of July, why not start the day with a thoughtful breakfast?  Even if it’s just cold cereal, take time to gather everyone together and talk about the holiday while you eat.

Some questions you might ask:

What do you think is the greatest moment in our nation’s history?

Who is your favorite historical figure in American history and why?

What leadership qualities did the Founding generation have and how can we develop them today?

Why was George Washington considered the greatest man in the world in his day?
(If you need help with this question, it’s because after winning the war he surrendered his position and went home.  Much of the world expected him to seize power and reign over the new nation because this was how the world worked at that time, and still does in many parts of the world.  Resigning his power to Congress was a mark of true greatness even in the eyes of King George.)

What do you think are the greatest problems facing our country today?

What can we do as individuals to be better Americans?

How can we prepare ourselves to protect our liberties in today’s world?

Trust me, thoughts like this set a great tone for the day.  I hope yours is awesome.

Hopeful Homemaker

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