One of these kids…

is doing his own thing.  Any guesses who?

That boy has been a pill about pictures since he was four years old.

What do you do?  I keep hoping that soon he’ll have the sense to care about what he looks like….

Oh well.  At least there is now a photographic record of us all together.   Mission accomplished?  That little nut!

Hopeful Homemaker

One Step Report #48

If it is true that the sky is the daily bread of the eyes, I’m feasting each day around 5 pm.  The one thing I can say about clouds is that they’re great material for sunsets.   I think I’m going to post more often about our gray skies in Utah so that the sun can come out.  This week we  had three days with some sun!  I must say that on this subject I’d be thrilled to be proven wrong.

The first magical days of December have come and gone, providing rich learning experiences for my heart.  We’ve begun our evening readings of Christmas stories and have spent time snuggling in the glow of white Christmas lights.   I’m trying to savor it all and squash the part of me that lists over and over again the things I haven’t yet done.  There is this sense of urgency, not just because the Christmas holiday is coming quickly but also because the year is ending.  There are still so many things I wanted to accomplish.

As I said, I’ve had some wonderful learning experiences, but I’m saving them for another post.   This week’s report:  90 steps.


1.  We celebrated our son’s 10th birthday on Monday.  He is a gem and we love him so much.

2.  I attended a funeral on Thursday for a good man.  My heart aches as I watch his family try to decide how to begin the task of living without him.  I walked away from that day thinking to myself, “I have a husband.  I should never complain about anything again.”  So why am I such a wimp sometimes?

3.  Thanksgiving decorations were put away and Christmas items made their appearance.  We’re planning to travel during the holidays so the topic of a tree caused some debate.  My husband wanted to skip it entirely to make room in the budget for other things and to ensure that we don’t have a dried out tree in our home while we’re gone.  I can’t imagine snuggling with the kids reading Christmas stories without a tree in the room.  So we compromised.  I bought a very cheap, small, artificial tree that will fill in for our traditional fresh tree this year.  (My extended family might disown me for this.)  None of us are impressed with the tree as it really is a very sorry stand-in for the experience of cutting our own, but it did help that I promised the children that the artificial tree can live in the toy room as their own little tree next year.  I loved the enthusiasm of my little ones as they quickly ran for pillows and blankets to camp out under the tree mid-day.  Whatever will we do when we don’t have little ones in our home someday?

4.  A friend kindly came over and snapped some pictures of our family on Saturday.  I needed something for our Christmas cards (which are behind schedule AGAIN this year).  Let’s just say that it was an adventure.

5.  On Saturday afternoon my husband and I were privileged to attend a sealing ceremony for some friends whose adopted child was sealed to them for eternity.  It was precious, and in addition to being there we had a special personal experience with a complete stranger who won us over with her kindness and enthusiasm.   Just one more reminder that God really does know who I am.

6.  I am really trying to relax and enjoy  this holiday season, whatever it brings.  I tried to mentally note the times when we simply laughed.  It feels so good to laugh.  Why don’t I do it more often?

7.  Try as I do to help everyone have good experiences, there are more of these moments than I’d like.  They make me feel a little sad.  Sometimes it’s overwhelming to be responsible for the emotional and physical well-being of so many people.

8.  I bought my son a 500 piece puzzle for his birthday.  While I’ve decided he would have enjoyed a 300 piece puzzle more, it was fun today to sit down several times and work on it with my oldest children.

9.  I tried something new with white Christmas lights in my kitchen this year and I LOVE it.  They’re definitely staying up for the entire winter.  We’re having way too much fun with them.

I’m grateful to be alive, grateful we have each other, grateful for my Savior.  I love this time of year.  Life is good, very good.

Have a great week!


Ribbon Embellished Pillow DIY

I thought I’d share the how-to’s for making your own ribbon embellished pillow.  This will work even for wired ribbons.  It’s such a fun, fast way to make use of gorgeous ribbon in your home decor.  Since beautiful ribbon is often sold by the yard and can be pricey, it also allows you do to something beautiful with it without purchasing a large amount.

The rosette ribbon I used is $8 per yard at a local shop.  Luckily I got it on sale for $4, but since I needed less than a yard it was an affordable project at either price.

Materials needed:
pillow form, size of your choice fabric, enough to cut two pieces the size of your pillow form zipper in a coordinating color, as long as one side of your pillow ribbon of your choice, long enough to make a band around your pillow pins thread in contrasting color sewing machine and zipper foot seam ripper To begin, measure your pillow form.  Many of them have the dimensions printed on the tag or packaging.  If yours doesn’t, measure it from corner to corner in both directions.

Cut two pieces of fabric the exact same size as the dimensions of your pillow.  When I make pillow covers I don’t add seam allowances because I want the pillow to look plump and full.

Cut two pieces of ribbon long enough to go down both front and back of your pillow.  If you were stuck with less ribbon than you need, you could also make this pillow with ribbon only on the front, and a different fabric on the back.

Decide where to place your ribbon on the pillow and carefully pin it in place.  My ribbon was wired, so as I pinned I tried to straighten out the wire and make it lay flat and neat.  MAKE SURE TO MATCH THE TWO SIDES OF YOUR PILLOW WHILE YOU’RE PINNING SO THE RIBBON WILL LINE UP NEATLY WHEN YOU SEW IT TOGETHER.

Carefully sew the ribbon onto the fabric, keeping your needle just inside the wired edge.

Repeat on both sides of the ribbon, and also the other half of the pillow.  Doesn’t it look pretty against the white?

Now carefully pull the wire out of the ribbon so your pillow will be soft and flexible.

Next comes the zipper!  Line up the front and backs of your pillow cover with right sides together.  Carefully pin them along the side where your zipper will lay.  If the ribbon meets along this seam, be careful to line them up well and pin carefully in that spot especially.

Sew along this edge with a 3/8 inch seam allowance.  Carefully press open your seam.

Carefully test your ribbon to see if it is safe to iron.  Mine wasn’t (as in, I would have melted it if I’d ironed it) so I just finger pressed that part of the seam open.

Now take your zipper and place it, right side down, on top of the seam you just pressed open.  Carefully pin it in place, making sure to have the center of the zipper line up right on top of your seam.

With a zipper foot on your machine, sew the zipper on top of the seam, going down one side and back up the other.  It will look like you just sewed your zipper into a seam, making it appear useless.

Once the zipper is sewn on, turn the pillow cover over, and from the right side, unpick the seam you made when sewing the two sides together.  There, underneath the seam, is your zipper!

Continue down the length of the pillow, carefully unpicking the entire seam.

Pull out the little broken threads after the seam is unpicked.  Open your zipper at least far enough for you to get your hand through it.  You’re almost done!

With right sides together, carefully line up the remaining three sides of your pillow cover and pin them together, again taking extra care to line up your ribbon.  Beginning at one end of the zipper and using a 1/4 inch seam allowance, sew around all three sides of your pillow.  Don’t forget to replace the zipper foot on your machine with your regular sewing foot!

I usually put my machine on a zig zag stitch and go around those three seams one more time to help minimize unraveling inside the pillow.  This is helpful if I like the pillow cover and use it long enough that it needs to be washed.

Now trim any stray threads and turn the pillow cover right side out.

Place your pillow form inside and zip it shut.  You’re finished!

Place it where you like and enjoy your one-of-a-kind pillow with gorgeous, expensive-looking detail!

This project was simple and took less than an hour.  Because I already had the pillow form, fabric and zipper it cost me less than $4.00 to make.  I always use zippers in my pillows so I can change them often and store only the covers.  I re-use the pillow forms all over my house.

If you try making one, I’d love to see how it turns out!

Hopeful Homemaker

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