15 Days of Happiness :: Give a Gift


There’s nothing like receiving an unexpected gift.   I’m pretty sure that the only thing better is giving the unexpected gift.   Once upon a time I felt like I was a really good gift-giver.  It was back when I only had a few little children and I was pretty much still in control of my life.  I had more energy and resources than they required of me, so I focused on becoming a good giver of gifts.


As our family became larger and the older children required more (and ate more!) my time and resources were all directed toward simply taking care of my family and I didn’t have much money, time or creativity left for giving gifts.  I began to hesitate to give them because I felt they weren’t good enough, and they certainly didn’t feel like an adequate expression of my regard.

I’m repenting of this folly.  Each of us is of infinite worth.  There will never be a thing I can give to someone that could possibly match their worth.  Some of the gifts I give will be perfect and some may feel more like I’m offering dandelions instead of roses.  But a gift is a gift, and if it’s offered from my heart with sincerity then that is good enough.  We must learn to give gifts without expecting a certain response, expression of gratitude, reciprocation of gifts or recognition.  When we let go of all expectation and simply give the gift with no emotional strings attached, we experience joy.  The purity of our intent allows us to feel joy in the giving no matter the reception.


I am also learning how to give gifts that are hard to give.  Perhaps it’s a thing we hesitate to part with, or time we don’t feel like we have.  We can give “expensive” gifts without spending a penny when we share our time and efforts.  These gifts are, in some ways, the healthiest to give.  They stretch us and make us bigger than we were.

I recently gave a treasured out-of-print book to a friend.  It wasn’t easy to part with a favorite I may never see again, but it was the right thing to do and has made me happy every time I reflect on it.  Simple little things like a package of mints or a bottle of favorite nail polish can be delightful if wrapped with a pretty ribbon and a kind note.  It takes effort, but the return is totally worth it.


Today, give a gift.  Maybe you just finished reading a book you enjoyed.  Wrap it up and give it to a friend.  Stopping at the grocery store?  Grab an extra pound of strawberries, tie a bow around them, and write a note to someone telling them how much you appreciate them.  Keep it simple, but put your heart into it.  It only needs to take 5 minutes but it will make you happy.
Have a great day!


15 Days of Happiness :: Enjoy the Flowers


In my flowerbeds I planted Ranonculus several years ago.  In my climate it’s supposed to be an annual, but apparently there’s a little micro-climate in my yard that they survive in.  I wondered when we had sub-zero temperatures for so long this winter if they would make it or not.  Imagine my happiness to see their leaves poking out of the ground a few weeks ago.

They’re small flowers, but are possibly my favorite flower ever.  They come and go quickly in my garden so I have to consciously stop when I notice them or they’ll fade by the time I remember to go back.

So many things in life are like this.  We think they’ll still be around for us to enjoy when we have time, but the world keeps spinning and many of life’s simple joys must be appreciated NOW.

I’m a big fan of enjoying the flowers in life.  Studies have shown repeatedly that fresh flowers boost our spirits and increase happiness.  So head out to the garden and enjoy yours.  Stop along the side of the road to look at some.  Pop into a flower shop and treat yourself to a bouquet, or if that’s too much, buy a single bloom and bring it home.   Maybe you could buy two and share one with a friend.  It doesn’t matter if you buy them yourself or if they’re given to you; they bring happiness just the same.

Study your flower.  Smell it.  Notice the layers of petals, the lines, the curve of the stem.  Notice how saturated with color they are.  Study them and remember that the God who created these masterpieces also created you.

I wish I had a field of flowers I could cut, bundle and send to everyone I know.

I think I need to head outside for another look!

Happy Living, Jennifer

15 Days of Happiness :: A Deep Breath


I’ll be honest.  It hasn’t been the happiest day.  It’s been a rugged day, full of unexpected complications.  My mother’s heart carries a private weight that makes buoyancy difficult.  Nothing catastrophic; the weight of  life is heavier sometimes.  Knowing I needed to write this post has had me thinking about happiness all day.

Every year I particularly love watching my Iceland poppies bloom.  There is something so touching about the way they bow their heads as the pod bulges with potential.  They remind me of those private moments when we quietly bow our heads to take the blows of life and gather the energy to lift our chins once more.  They remind me of a mother summoning the strength to bring forth life.   It is part of the process of making wonderful things happen, and I love how my flowers teach me this lesson anew each spring.

I’ve thought today about how happiness isn’t just a buoyant feeling we feel.  It’s also something quiet and steady we can learn to tap into.  Like the coals that burn long after the flames have died down, I think we can learn to find happiness in foundational things even when the days are hard.

Some of the quiet, steady blessings I reflected on today are:  a loving husband who is consistent, my children who still love me even at the end of my lousy days, knowing that I stand on the shoulders of giants – amazing people in my own family tree whose lives are/were solid and true, the sun that rises and sets each day, the relief of praying to God who holds the future, the ability to hold very still and breathe deeply.    Pausing in my complicated day to consider these things was my bowing, summoning, remembering.  I felt like my poppy.

It’s ok to have tough days.  Sometimes we have tough weeks, or even years.  If we can pause to stoke the coals of faith, remembrance and hope we will find the strength to be steady and to hang on to the happy things that are ours.

So today my act of happiness was a deep breath.  Several of them.


My deep breath allowed me to put the day in perspective.  I counted so many blessings:  the smell of my daughter’s hair as she climbed up on my lap, helping a daughter make a new friend, listening to my little girls play school together, taking care of something important, brainstorming a plan for my son to surprise a friend on his birthday, going on a bike ride, cleaning with my daughters, the sound of sprinklers, the neighborhood children playing in my yard, noticing how full of life and beauty my eight year old daughter’s face looked on the way home from school, a cool evening breeze.   The noticing of these little things reminds me that after the bowed head comes a face lifted to the sun.


Sometimes happiness is knowing that soon we’ll bloom again.


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