A little quilt top

Over the past week there has been slow but steady progress in the making of these little stars until at last all the pieces were laid out in place and I was done making and trimming wonky points!

Then row by row it took shape and is now a pretty little quilt top.

You know, I really like it!  The prints are all flannels and the background is a Moda white, no idea which one.  I like the mix of flannel and cotton.  Mostly I love these little stars with their wonky points.  I do feel like this quilt top was slow going but I think it’s worth it.  The more I look at it the more I also like the white design between the stars as well.

Now I need to quilt it.  I have a lovely minky piece for the back but no idea how to tackle the front.  Honestly, it would probably be best with some kind of free motion quilting, but all I know is straight line.  I had a conversation last night with my daughter that went something like this:

“Mom, you should sew it with little stars all over it!”

Me:  “I don’t know how to do that.”

“Mom, you should do that all over the place swirl design on it.”

Me:  “I don’t know how to do that.”

“Mom, you should make vines and flowers all over it!”

Me:  “I don’t know how to do that.”

“Mom, what do you know how to do?”

Me:  “Good question.  Straight lines.”

And honestly, with all the stars bumping up against each other, I don’t even know how to do straight lines on this quilt and have it look good.  It’s going to be tricky to figure it out, so I’ve set it aside for a day or two while I brainstorm.  And clean the house.


The Swoon-Along… I’m in!

Sometime mid-January I saw the news that there was going to be a “Swoon-along” and then all of a sudden there were 600+ people doing it.  I bought the pattern when it first came out and seeing all these quilts motivated me to go through my fabric stash and choose some fabrics.

I ended up with Tanya Whelan’s Ava Rose for most of the quilt, with a few other fat quarters thrown in.  I’ve now made two blocks, so I guess although I’m a late starter, I’m in!

I made these blocks and thought to myself that this quilt is perfectly named.  I was swooning over how fabulous they are!  They’re huge blocks, 24.5 inches square, and the entire quilt is just 9 blocks.  I love how neatly it came together, all the points matching up just right, and I’m generally in love with the fact that two fat quarters can make something so pretty!  So I have 7 more blocks to go.

is already done with hers, so I’m really behind.  I know I probably shouldn’t have started another project, but I like the pace that she is pushing and I’m hoping it helps me to get a lot more done than I would on my own.  In fact, she’s already talking about starting another quilt along with another of Camille’s patterns mid-March.  As both of those patterns are quilts I’m already interested in, it would be great if I could catch up and keep up and get a lot done!

While scrolling through Katy’s blog I also saw this:

It’s from another quilt along, which means there’s another quilt that I think I MUST make .  Breathtaking.

Ok, so this might be a sickness.  I love all these quilts.

Back on my own sewing table, I’m working at the baby quilt you all gave me opinions on a couple of weeks ago.  It’s a simple pattern, from the Sparkle Punch quilt along over at Oh Fransson , and although it’s easy I’m finding it to be slow going.  Lots of trimming is the reason.  Still, I really hope it will be cute and worth it in the end, if the baby isn’t too old by then, that is.  This is my first experiment with “wonky” sewing.  It’s not too hard, and I think it will be really cute.

I’m still working through my cute little stack of fabric.

Now there’s just one problem:  where on earth to find the time?  I suppose that’s a much better problem than having time and nothing to do.


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