Seven Heaven Birthday

I neglected to post about out little evening birthday party for my 3rd daughter last week.  I love seven year olds.  They’re helpful, sweet, teachable.  It’s an awesome year if you’ve got a 7 year old in your house.  After our early outdoor breakfast I let the children play while I baked the cake.  It was so sweet to watch my eight year old offer to french braid her sister’s hair on her birthday.  Lots of little things like that happened on her birthday which are precious for a mother to observe.

The highlight of our party was an outdoor movie projected on the side of the house.  We watched Ramona & Beezus which happens to be a movie I love.  It makes me laugh.  It was really fun and made us all wonder why we don’t do it more often (perhaps because this summer’s mosquitoes have been terrible).  Before the movie we had my brother, his girlfriend and her daughter come over along with some neighbors for cake and ice cream.

She also requested lasagna, which didn’t sound like much fun to make on a hot August night.  I wondered if I could somehow make individual lasagnas in my muffin tin and what do you know but a quick google search yielded plenty of people already doing it.  I got some pointers from those ideas and whipped some up.  They were delicious (recipe to come).

We also served a special treat:  Marionberry licorice, her favorite.

The cake turned out beautifully.  It’s the first birthday cake I’ve ever made that I really feel proud of.  (I’m not good at birthday cakes but would like to be.)

Everything about the cake was made according to her request and I think she liked the final product.

It’s hard to believe this sweet girl is already seven.  I can still remember so clearly having her crawl around my house as a baby.  One of my favorite pictures of her is her standing on our front porch the day she turned 3.  It’s true that time speeds up with each child and I am reminded that there are still many moments for me to catch and hold on to a little longer.  I don’t want to miss any of this.  I love her so much.

And I still adore her freckles .  It was a happy birthday in so many ways.


Hunter’s Star Quilt Top

I’ve wanted to make a red and white solid quilt for a very long time.  The classic Hunter’s Star block seemed like a great pattern for it.   I’ve been working on this top here and there all summer and at last it’s ready for basting.

One thing I liked about this method is how efficiently fabric is used.  I don’t have a single scrap or leftover piece that’s wider than 1/4 inch.

I’m off to piece the backing so I can get this one quilted.

Edit:  After many requests, the pattern for this quilt has been written.

It is available here

Hopeful Homemaker

Banner Quilt

Remember this pillow ?  Well, shortly after making it I started a quilt to match.  I got it quilted and then it sat while we lived through soccer season and a million other things.

I finished it yesterday.  (Two quilts finished in two days!  I don’t think I’ve ever done that before.)

The quilt top is Kona Ash, quilted in straight lines about 3/4 inch apart.  The flags are sewn on top leaving in a soft edge applique style which will be fun once it’s washed.

I used one of my favorite Pillow & Maxfield prints from their Whimsy line for the back.  Love.

I used a solid aqua for the binding.  It frames both front and back nicely.

I’m getting pretty good at the machine binding.  I’ve definitely found what works for me.

I like how it looks with my happy yellow chevron crib skirt .

It looks pretty good blowing in the breeze as well.

Hooray for another project finished!

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