Last Three Blocks!

At last, I’m finished with the blocks for last year’s quit along!  Here they are:

I liked this first block.  It’s different.  I like the subtle chevron pattern that would emerge if you made several of them and lined them up next to each other.

This second one I’m not thrilled with, but at least it’s done, right!

The last one I really like.  It’s a beautiful block, and my favorite blocks in this quilt have been the blue and gray ones, so no surprises here.  I’m so in love with that blue and white polka dot and I used almost all of it for this quilt.  I hope someday to find more of it.

I don’t think I’ve ever heaved such a sigh of relief while sewing than I did when I finished this block.  It was TEDIOUS.  I counted when I finished, and there are 64 different pieces of fabric in that 12.5 inch block.!!???!?!??  I started the year thinking I wanted to make more complicated quilts, or at least a quilt with some little tiny pieces in it, but after this block I’m not so sure.  I don’t know if I have the patience for it.

So, all 16 blocks are finished.  Now I need to trim them, add the sashing, and figure out how to quilt it.

Do you ever just wish you could go straight from not knowing how to do something to being good at it in the blink of an eye?  I know that’s a very adolescent thing to wish for, wanting to have the blessing of a skill without first paying the price, but in this one thing I still wish for it.  I wish I knew how to do free motion quilting without going through the pain of ruining fabric while learning BUT like everyone else I’ll have to just get started and mess things up until I learn.   I really want to learn it, so why do I dread it so much?  {This whole paragraph just screams “perfectionist”, doesn’t it?}

For now I’m just happy these blocks are completed.  Hooray!

More quilt blocks…

I’ve had some nervous energy lately that needed to be dealt with.  Making all these flying geese has been a good outlet.  Here are five more quilt blocks:

This next one I loved, so I made a second one in softer colors.

And these two are among my favorites.  This block is beautiful.  It would make a lovely quilt all on its own.

Only three more to go and I’ll have these blocks done.  I don’t know why they’re bugging me so much.   I’m half excited and half dreading putting the quilt top together to see if I like it or not.  At least I’m learning some new techniques, right?


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