One Step Report #12

Here I am again with another report on my goal for the year.  I’m almost three months into this and am beginning to see a difference.  Oh, the state of my house improves and regresses as often as waves break on the beach and recede with the tide.  What’s different is how I feel about it.  I still have moments of discouragement, but I’m getting better at focusing on the good things that are happening instead of allowing all the things that aren’t done to stand as indictments against me.  All in all, it’s becoming a habit to look for the good, to pray, to let go of my worries and to simply do my best with what I’ve got.   In short, I think it’s working.

This week:  72 steps.  I’m pleased with that and feel like some of the steps were very meaningful ones to me personally.


1.  Spent a lot of time at the school supporting my oldest daughter at various events.  She had a lot of work to do this week and she managed to get it all done.  It was fun to help her.  I love her so much and she’s growing up awfully fast!

2.  I finally found a minute to sew the borders on my Wild Thing quilt!  This one I’m sending to the quilter’s for stippling.  I’m excited to finish it.

3.  We ate dinner late.  More than once.  And one night it looked like this.

little Caesar's pizza boxes

I don’t share this because I think that picking up pizza is an accomplishment, or even a highlight, but because soccer season has started and what follows is the list I had in my car with me that night (minus names) so that I wouldn’t forget anyone.  Keep in mind that these events were taking place in 4 different cities.  Small cities, to be sure, but most of the gaps between each drop off and pick up was exactly how long it takes to drive from one to the other.

2:45   pick up 3:00 drop off 3:00 pick up 3:45 pick up 4:00 drop off 4:45 drop off 5:00 pick up 5:20 drop off 5:30 drop off 6:00 drop off 6:15 drop off 6:30 pick up 6:45 pick up 7:00 pick up 7:00 pick up 7:15 pick up Somehow we got everyone where they needed to be (and on time!) and we all managed to stay happy and cheerful during the driving.  I wish I could say as much for the 2 hour game the next night in poor weather when I had 5 children climbing all over the car while I tried to help my kindergartener with her homework.

3.   I had this idea kicking around in my head for a recipe and I tried it.  The family liked it, so I’m going to perfect it and then I’ll share it with you.

4.  Made it through a bunch of paperwork and re-organized the desk in my family room.  I think it will meet our family’s needs much better now IF I can only stay on top of the papers!

5.  We had a fun little birthday party for this guy, who very kindly blew out the candles on his “cake” while we were still singing and before the bearer of the cake could even get it on the table.  Oh well.  He’s “alarious” as he likes to say.  I guess he can’t hear the “h” on the front of hilarious when we say it.

6.  Today we re-instituted an old Sunday tradition and it felt so good.  I’m happy to be back  in gear on this one.

7.  I was home from Church today with two little ones with runny noses.  During that time I was able to do some reading and I feel so spiritually fed by it.  I wish I could have a whole day or two to digest all of the thoughts and feelings I had so I could really implement them in our home, but I’ll work at it.  It’s been a while since I started a new week with such a great feeling in my heart.

I hope your weekend has been wonderful and that your new week is full of meaningful steps!


One Step Report #11

Wow.  Another week gone, and before I know it, April will be here!  That’s both good and bad, because it means the weather will get better but I also have a lot to do before then… wish me luck.  We’ve had blue skies and sun for two days in a row, and we’ve thoroughly enjoyed it.

Steps taken this week:  83 steps.  Wow.  That sounds like a lot.  I must admit that I’m tempted to penalize myself 20 or 30 steps because my house is so messy right now BUT the purpose of this program is to focus on the positive.  Hopefully I’ll be more successful in the housekeeping department this week.  If not, we’ll still live.

Highlights from the week:

1.  I finally chose a pattern and cut into my Rouenneries layer cake that I’ve been saving since last October.  The pieces are all  cut and waiting to be put together.  I’m excited about this quilt! (Look at that aqua…)

Rouenneries and aqua quilt pieces

2.  I was able to attend a gymnastics meet that my oldest daughter was competing in and I thoroughly enjoyed it.  It was one of those experiences when you sense how much your child is growing up and you feel so happy for them and so happy about who they’re becoming.  I’ve been consciously working on my interactions with her and I feel pleased with what’s happening.

3.  We had our first soccer scrimmage of the season, and I’m taking a deep breath.  The next 9 weeks are going to be CRAZY but I’m going to do my best to enjoy it instead of stress about it.

4.  When a bit of rough play caused an electrical problem in a bathroom this week, my husband and I were able to take a deep breath and handle it calmly.  This allowed us to let our son spend time helping repair the problem and created a memorable father/son experience.

5.  I had a couple of brief but good conversations today with other mothers while I was in the hall at church with a noisy baby.  It’s such a blessing to connect with other women I admire, even if it is only for a minute or two.

6.  Today I made some homemade peanut butter cups.  YUM!

On that sweet note, I’ll wish you a wonderful week!

Hopeful Homemaker

One Step Report #10

Here we are again!  Another week gone.  This was a week when many friends and relatives have been on my mind and in my prayers.  Interestingly, all related to little children.  It’s been a thoughtful and introspective week.

My report:  58 steps.  Good enough.

A few highlights:

1.  We got everyone up and ready for Church on time this morning, even with the daylight savings time change.  (Wish me luck in the morning for the school routine) 2.  Re-read my patriarchal blessing and spent some time pondering what I need to do in order to “lay hold” of the many good things I’m promised to a greater degree.

3.  We were able to re-stock our freezer significantly for our food storage:  80 pounds of chicken, 40 pounds of butter, 20 pounds of veggies, all at super prices!  (This is how I shop, stock up on the great sales and then use it for months while I wait for another great sale.)

4.  Went through all the clothes in the bedroom that sleeps 3 little girls.  We removed everything they’re growing out of and organized it all.

5.  Found a few minutes to begin sewing together the blocks for a new quilt.  Lots of color and lots of white!

verna fabric quilt squares

6.  Made it through an unanticipated object lesson in what happens when you have a jumping contest on your little sister’s bed.  (Hint:  it breaks.)  I started off a little angry until I remembered my bowl of beads in my bedroom, and then changed my strategy.  Having them pay for the repairs will teach a better lesson than a mom who doesn’t control her emotions will teach.

7.  Tried a new recipe for homemade rolls.  More to come on this another day.

dinner rolls

In all, a really good week.  I feel very grateful for the many blessings I enjoy.  Tonight I’m hoping that everyone will co-operate on the early bedtime plan so that tomorrow morning they won’t be grumpy.  It’s not looking too promising since the sun JUST CAME OUT for the first time since Friday, but I will try!

I hope you have a great week!

Hopeful Homemaker

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