Marcelle Medallion progress


I finally got my Liberty Love book back out and got working on my Marcelle Medallion quilt top.  It hung for too long without me touching it, and I’m so happy to be working on it again!


Borders 4-6 are now finished, and as I suspected, none of them took long to complete.  Isn’t it funny how many things we don’t start because in our heads it will take too long?


I like the Field Study poppies print for border number 6, and the citron as corner posts makes me smile.  Actually, the whole thing is making me smile.  Lots of color, and it sure feels good to be working on it again.


Only two more borders to go!

Jennifer Linking to Freshly Pieced

15 Days of Happiness :: Rearrange Something


Today’s happiness task is closely related to my post about painting something.
Sometimes we get going and the beautiful things in our lives become part of the backdrop.  We love and appreciate them, but because they blend into the landscape of our days we fail to really see them.  When we no longer see them, their power to bring joy is diminished.  We can do this both with people and with things, and when it happens it’s easy to start looking around at other people, other things, and think we need THOSE to be happy.

I caught myself being tempted to think this way recently when I saw this picture in the Wisteria catalog:


I love the bright blues against the white.  The painting, rug, lamps and vase I particularly like, but I don’t really need any of them.

I do have a white living room that I love, so I decided to pull a few things from other places and see how it would turn out.   This is what I did:


I moved a pillow from another room and placed my Water and Sky quilt over the arm of the couch.


I pulled vases from other rooms to make an arrangement I liked, then cut my first peonies of the year.


That was it, but it was enough.  All of a sudden I had a splash of the color I wanted, and doing something different gave me new motivation and pride in having my house look nice.  Sometimes that is just what I need to feel energized and willing to clean.  Rearranging things makes me notice them again, and restores the pleasure I find in them as well.  I didn’t need anything new; I just needed new eyes to see what I already had.

What will you rearrange today?  A room?  A shelf?  Or will you do something far greater, like rearrange a schedule to restore a relationship to it’s proper priority in your life?  Whatever it is, may it bring happiness!


15 Days of Happiness :: Memory Lane


One of my goals is to sort through all the photos, school papers and memorabilia that have come with 8 children and almost 17 years of marriage.   I was going through a stack of homework from my oldest son when he was 8 years old and, tucked in all the math assignments, I found these pictures.

I stood there, swept back in time to this photo shoot, done by my neighbor, and felt overwhelmed by how young and innocent they all look.  We only had six then, and they look so little!  In some ways it was so long ago, and in others it was yesterday.  Looking through these photographs softened my heart towards a couple of them who have been a real struggle lately, and generally made the day more precious.  I realized that in another 7 years I’ll be looking at this year’s pictures with the same longing.


I found another folder, full of old family photos.  My grandparents, who are now gone, my mother as an infant, all reminded me that life is always changing.  I’ll never get this stage back so I’d better enjoy it now.


Then came this photo, a gift from a good friend, of my oldest three children when #1 was just a few months older than #8 is now.   As I thumbed through these photographs, all of a sudden I didn’t care how many papers were sorted that day.  I remembered what really matters, and remembered how fun and sweet they all were as babies.

When I walked upstairs a few minutes later, I felt happier.   They are mine and I love them.  Today is a good day.  Right now is the time to smile at them, love them, enjoy them, and treasure the everyday that will someday fade into the past.  My unexpected walk down memory lane changed my heart.

I hope you’ll look through some old photos today.  Let yourself be reminded how many good things your life has been full of, and face what lies ahead of you with new gratitude and determination to enjoy it!

Happy living, Jennifer *This post is part of a short series of posts on happiness.

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