
He went snowboarding with his dad on Thursday morning.  They had about 14 inches of fresh powder and loved every minute of it.  He landed a front flip.  An awesome, memorable day.

Then he came home and went to a friend’s house.  They took turns filming each other doing tricks on the trampoline.  After landing a front flip on a snowy mountain, a trampoline sounds rather benign, doesn’t it?

Well, it isn’t.   He was practicing a cork7 when he landed on his ankle, which was almost instantly swollen, bright red, and hot to the touch.

Yesterday’s x-rays confirmed what we had already guessed.  He has a broken ankle.  Broken through the growth plate, to be exact.  Funny how life can take such sudden turns.  It’s merely a speed bump in the long run, but feels more like a course change right now.

He’s being such a good sport about it, laughing and smiling and we’re laughing along with him when he says things like “I guess I just became the most boring person I know.  Let’s see…. we could play thumb wars!  Or tic-tac-toe.”  I remember his spring break two years ago when his week took a similar turn.  His last broken bone (wrist) was in December of 2010.  He made it 15.5 months without a break.  It was so nice of him to save this until we had health insurance again!

So we’re laughing as he adjusts to his new boot and crutches, but inside part of me is crying for all he’s lost, even if it’s just in the short run.  He’s done snowboarding.  His lacrosse season just ended, although it really just began.  The rest of his school year will probably be spent on crutches.   We hope this will heal well so he won’t have problems with it for the rest of his life.  That’s really all that matters.

New item on next week’s to-do list:  visit orthopedic surgeon.

Should be fun!  {Poor guy.}

Hopeful Homemaker

We Made a Memory

I arrived home from Logan in time to eat pizza with my family and jump in the car for a night in Provo at a BYU Men’s Lacrosse game.

It was cloudy and sprinkling on our way down, and turned into a downpour for much of the game.  We were all soaked through, the little ones ended up watching most of the game in the car, and it could have been a miserable night.  It wasn’t.  We laughed as we played in the car, laughed at our dripping wet clothing, laughed as I drove the little ones around in search of a bathroom, and laughed at BYU’s 27-2 win over Utah State.  We watched some amazing shots on goal!

It was a great night, and we made a great memory.  We came home to revel in hot chocolate and dry pajamas.  After 70-80 degree weather for the past week it was funny that the downpour happened during the only planned outdoor outing of the week.  The weather has since cooled, the boys have gone snowboarding on fresh powder and I’m glad the children spent Monday through Wednesday running outdoors as much as possible.  It’s been a great spring break!

Back from Logan

I had so much fun on my mini-trip to Logan!  I hadn’t seen my sister’s new house since she and her husband moved in and began a massive overhaul to update it.   I love her adorable living room.

And the kitchen ceiling (overlooking the living room) they painted an awesome blue.  It’s fabulous.

We spent most of the day in her sewing room.  I loved the way they used the framing in the basement to make a natural decorating statement using paint.  She also re-purposed a wine cabinet to use for her quilting fabric.

We had so much fun talking about fabric and what we’d like to do with it, talking about life, munching on popcorn, eating a delicious lunch, and generally just enjoying being together.  Kristen cut into her stack of Heather Bailey’s Nicey Jane fabrics and started making her own Swoon quilt!  Hooray!  It’s going to look so awesome.

She finished the first block and it looks great.  We were both excited.  The pictures of that block are on her camera or I’d share it with you.  I think the Swoon pattern is one of my all-time favorites.

For my sewing I took an unfinished project from the Curves sewing class I was supposed to work on in February.  I made a long table runner using improv curves.  It was good for me to force myself to do this and I like it better than I thought I would.  It’s all pieced and I just need to decide if I want a white border or not.  I’ll share it soon.

Now I’m back home with my awesome family and a kitchen full of dishes to do.  I’m so happy that it worked out for me to run away for a day and have so much fun with my sister.  We definitely need to do this again soon!


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