One Step Report #24

Greetings from Escondido California!  My favorite week of the year has come and gone.  We’ve played, swam, surfed and built sand forts.  We’ve used tons of sunscreen and taken 2-3 showers per day.  My week of bliss has ended, and we’ve said good-bye, reluctantly, to the ocean.  I miss it already.

We’re now visiting my in-laws, and Father’s Day has been spent with my husband’s family.  It’s wonderful to be here.   We have one last day of play ahead of us and then we’re headed home.  I’m reaching the point where my own bed is sounding better every day.

This week’s report:  60 steps.  It’s been a great week.


1.  I read five books this week, a total of about 1300 pages.  Talk about relaxing!

2.  I spent a lot of time this week holding my baby.  She cut her 3rd tooth this morning, and although she feels lousy she’s been sweet and it’s been great to spend a lot of time together.

3.  I had the opportunity to observe a family in the beach house next to ours.  They were having a large family reunion and it warmed my heart to watch them interact, express opinions and let their children play together.  It made me feel like my family (brothers and sisters) is a lot more normal than some of us think.

4.  We played Aggravation with my grandpa while we were in Newport Beach.  It was a lot of fun to have my children play with their great-grandpa.  I love him so much.

5.  My parents flew into town on Friday night and we were able to spend a day a the beach with them.  It was a dream come true.  It’s been 17 years since I’ve been at the beach with my mom and dad.  I really enjoyed sitting and talking with them while we watched the children play.

6.  Today I had the funny experience of meeting the mother of my oldest daughter’s first grade teacher.  What a small world we’re living in.

7.  I enjoy talking with my father-in-law.  He is very talented and I love his perspective on things.  He really thinks about life and I love to hear his observations.

8.  My kids went for six full days without getting in a car for any reason.  THAT’S an accomplishment.

9.  This morning at church I watched my husband holding our two youngest just outside the doors because they were being loud.  I sat there looking at him and marveled again that he’s mine and that our children have such an amazing father.  He takes good care of us all and we love him fiercely.

10.  Did I mention this?

(photo taken by my oldest daughter) Have a great week!

Hopeful Homemaker

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