Fabulous Potato Salad

This potato salad is terrific, as well as relatively quick and simple to prepare.
I’ve never had a potato salad recipe that I love, so this summer I’ve been fiddling with it, and I think I’ve got it right.

In a large pot, place 3 pounds unpeeled red potatoes.  Cover with salted cold water and bring to a boil.
Cook until potatoes are easily pierced with a fork.
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While potatoes are boiling, place 5 eggs (please ignore the number in the picture; I was making a large salad) in a pot, cover with cold water and bring to a boil.   Reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes.  Remove eggs from pan and place in ice water to cool, and to reduce the chances of having that ugly green ring on your yolks.
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Chop 2/3 cup onion, celery and dill pickles.  Set aside.
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When potatoes are done, drain.  While they are still hot, chop them up, leaving peels on.
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Place in a large bowl IMG_6589 (Large) Drizzle potatoes with 2/3 to 3/4 cup Italian salad dressing of your choice.
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Add a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar IMG_6592 (Large) Pour in some pickle juice, around 3 tablespoons worth.
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Toss to coat, and then add the chopped vegetables.
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Peel and chop your hard boiled eggs, and add those too.
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Next add 3/4 cup mayonnaise and a generous sprinkling of Lawry’s seasoned salt.
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Mix to combine.  Add a little salt and pepper to taste.
Finally, to add a wonderful crunch and texture to the salad, add 1/4 to 1/3 cup cooked crumbled bacon.
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I like to stir the bacon in, then sprinkle a bit more on top before serving.
Cover and refrigerate to chill the salad.
I get a lot of compliments on this salad.  It has a great flavor!


Jennifer’s Potato Salad 3 lb. red potatoes 5 hard boiled eggs 2/3 cup chopped onion 2/3 cup chopped dill pickles 2/3 cup chopped celery 2/3 to 3/4 cup Italian salad dressing 2 Tb. apple cider vinegar 3 Tb. dill pickle juice 3/4 cup mayonnaise 1 tsp. Lawry’s seasoned salt salt and pepper to taste 1/4 to 1/3 cup cooked crumbled bacon Hard boil the eggs, then place in ice water.  Boil potatoes until tender.  Drain and chop.  Drizzle warm potatoes with Italian dressing, vinegar and pickle juice.  Add chopped vegetables and eggs.   Mix together.  Add mayonnaise and Lawry’s seasoned salt.  Stir to combine.  Add salt and pepper to taste.  Add bacon.  Refrigerate to chill.  Serve and enjoy!

Old Mirror Frame Repurposed

I was driving past a local antique store and this piece caught my eye.
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I can’t really explain why.  It just did.  It’s part of a frame of an old mirror that was built to sit atop a dresser.
I like it upside down.  It looks like someone cut a sliver off  an old table or something.  I bought it.

I liked the detail on the wood, too.
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I also like the distressed edges (of course).
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I’m trying to do a better job of purchasing only things that will be useful, things that I have a purpose for (and space too!).  I confess this piece was one that I had no clue what to do with.  I brought it home and put it in my office to think about it.

And then I looked about 2 feet to my left and saw the mirror leaning on the wall atop my fabric cabinet.
And I thought “I wonder….”

And what do you know, it fits perfectly atop the mirror.
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I think I like it.  It’s a little unexpected, but I sort of like that.
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Yes, I know the window needs curtains.  It’s on my list.  The only trouble is, the room has 6 windows, which is probably a major reason why there still aren’t any.  Plus, I love all the natural light in that room.
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So there’s my old mirror frame turned architectural detail.  Kind of fun.
It’s also the record holder for the fastest time in going from “where to put it” to “aha!”

I can handle that.

The Giant Jam Sandwich

Fresh rolls and strawberry jam always make me want to read this book.
I think it is my favorite book from childhood.
I really love it.
First published in 1972, I’m so glad it’s still around.

It’s called the Giant Jam Sandwich, by John Vernon Lord and Janet Burroway.

The story begins with this verse:
“One hot summer in Itching Down, Four million wasps flew into town.”
In a fun, rhyming, sing-song text the book chronicles the disruptions of the wasps.
The town gathers to find a solution, but no one has any good ideas.
Until… the baker suggests making a giant jam sandwich to catch the wasps.
They set to work baking a two-story sized loaf of bread, which is then sliced and hauled to a farmer’s field where they spread out the jam.
“Suddenly the sky was humming!
All four million wasps were coming!
They smelled that jam, they dived and struck!
And they ate so much that they all got stuck.”

You learn how they ultimately get rid of the wasps and the wasp-filled sandwich, and the town returns to normal.  It’s a great story of cooperation and creativity.
This book is so much fun to read aloud.   I have always loved reading it to my kids.
My children love finding silly things in the illustrations, like the farmer whose tractor is somehow flying with the help of balloons and a propeller.
In all my years as a mother, I have never met anyone who knows of this book, but I think it’s a gem.
Enjoy your jam sandwiches!

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