Playing with Diamonds

I enjoyed making my Halloween eyes quilt block enough to keep playing with diamonds.  One of my favorite elements of quilting is creating and discovering secondary patterns in simple quilt blocks.  So of course I jumped right into that idea with these blocks.

Rather than stick with a limited color scheme, I selected 12 different solid fabrics for a colorful experiment.  Black and white were simple choices, and they provide good contrast for a first look at the idea.  These blocks are foundation paper pieced, but they came together VERY quickly.  Another fun element is their size.  Although thin, they are tall, so a dozen blocks make an 18″ quilt block.  It’s a good study, I think.

When I look at the blocks before sewing them together, I like their strong diagonal presence.  It would be interesting to pursue that element.  My favorite part is the center of this block.  I love the black and white diamonds that emerge when the blocks are sewn together.  While it’s more white than I often use, I do like the playful feel of bright colors, crisp lines, and black and white.  It reminds me a little of my Gleaned quilt pattern.

I feel like I’m learning a lot about myself this year.  One lesson is that if I stay engaged with creative sewing, the ideas flow freely and I stay motivated to finish projects.  But if I step away for a few days, it’s harder to break back in.  Isn’t it interesting how many parts of life are like that?  Consistent practices are powerful.  In these little studies, I like to test ideas with no pressure to create anything special.  Just sewing for sewing’s sake.

Will anything come of this?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  There’s another idea tickling in the back of my mind, and I hope it surfaces soon.  For now, I’ll jump back into a new quilt design, grateful for the chance to play with diamonds.  Life is good.

Halloween Eyes quilt block

A few days ago I was looking for a particular Halloween candy at the store when I saw this felt eyeball wreath.  I don’t like Halloween very much, but for some reason it made me smile.  Maybe it was the colors?  Then I went to a children’s activity and someone brought a pan of these adorable Rice Krispie treat monsters.  All these little eyes!  So when I was playing with fabric in my sewing room, I decided to experiment with a little Halloween eyes quilt block.

At least once a month I set aside time to just play with fabric.  Sometimes I’m following up on an idea, while other times I’m reaching for one.  Either way, it’s healthy and also rewarding.  I find inspiration and feel refreshed.  And then I go back to the project with a deadline.  But it sure is fun to play!  So play I did, until I had some long, skinny diamonds.

It wouldn’t be a Halloween eyes quilt block without making it obvious.  Although, it would be fun to play with this shape minus applique.  In this case I chose to add applique to finish the block.

I’m not sure which orientation I prefer.  Both are fun.  My family has been guessing what sort of creature they should belong to.  I have no idea!  What I do have, however, is two sketches in my notebook for different directions this could go.  I love the way creative exploration opens so many doors for future experiments.  And of course, my new journal cover makes cataloging ideas even more fun than usual!

My Halloween eyes theme didn’t end with a quilt block.  I made my favorite Chocolate Zucchini cake for a family party, and lots of little candy eyes found their way onto the cake.  It was a fun way to use our garden’s bounty with a simple nod to Halloween. I appreciate the blessing of small details and simple joys, especially in autumn.  Our world is so beautiful!

HOME Beach Hut Pillow Cover

Since making my Refuge Quilt, I have also wanted to experiment with my HOME quilt block pattern in a bright, beachy color scheme.   Picturing sand and sky surrounding brightly colored huts, I decided to test my vision.  Sometimes it’s nice to play with a few blocks, just to see what we like.  Therefore,  I created this HOME beach hut pillow cover.

Three six inch blocks in bright colors, surrounded by sand and sky.  I couldn’t resist sewing them together to see how the lines looked, and when I did, I knew I wanted a pillow.  You see, I’ve been curious about making a HOME pillow for a while.  Once they were together I added a simple white border.  I hunted around for a shade of blue to make the rest of the pillow cover with, and remembered this lovely chambray.  It’s the perfect weight, and the slightly darker blue grounds the line of houses.

Consistent with other recent HOME quilt block projects like my needle book and book cover, I kept it simple.  No zippers or fancy pulls.  Just a traditional envelope closure, which fits the laid back vibe of beach life.  I pulled a sailboat print from my blue prints and used it for half of the back.  It keeps both the front and back interesting.

I’m tempted to keep playing with this format.  I’m obviously enjoying a deep dive into my HOME pattern lately!  It could be fun to make one that is Halloween themed – what colors would you pick for the houses?  So many possibilities!  Until then, this fun HOME beach hut pillow will suffice.

What ideas are you playing with right now? I would love to hear!

Happy Sewing,

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