Tulips in Bloom

I’ve silently cheered a thousand times for the rainy afternoon I spent planting 250 tulips bulbs last fall.   I have loved every minute of this beautiful display of spring color.

The cheerful border in my flowerbeds has been a gift.  Now I must get to work filling in the rest.  This week I added spring bulbs, and I’m also planning for some boxwood.

For now, I’m thrilled with my tulips.  To my surprise some of them have already sent up a second, smaller flower.

I wonder to myself, “How in the world did I live so long without flowers?”

Dare I admit I’ve already ordered 100 more tulip bulbs for fall planting?  I never tire of their beauty.

Truly, they are food for the soul.



It’s been a rough couple of weeks, and I’m feeling down.  In the midst of this, and with the return of rain, my Iceland poppies bloomed.

I’d been watching them, waiting, their reverent heads bowed low and pregnant with petals about to burst forth.  And then they raised their heads and opened.  I went to look.

Unexpectedly, from deep within me came an ache I didn’t know I had.  It was a bittersweet feeling of being lost and found, of losing and finding.  I blinked back tears.

“Hello, old friend,” I whispered.

“I’ve missed you.”

Hopeful Homemaker

Spring Flowers

The vibrant yellow and green of these flowers grabbed my attention in the grocery store recently, and I decided to take matters in to my own hands.  I need spring.  Badly.  So I’m providing it for myself, in the form of flowers on the kitchen table.

I found these little pitchers several months ago and have been saving them for just such a display.  I love their simple shape and the graphic, modern feel that comes from the black lines.

Parading down the kitchen table, they add a drop of sunshine to my day and make me smile.

What’s been making you smile lately?


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