Garden Gate Trellis

Recently I took a little walk around my yard to see just how bad things are after a summer of neglect.  No happy surprises there; it’s as bad as I feared.

On the edge of my yard, however, is a happy little spot where my neighbors have two lovely garden boxes bursting with vegetables and I had to share this great idea they had.

They bolted an old garden gate into the box to use as a trellis for beans and peas.  It was one of those happy things that fits perfectly once the idea hits.

I’ve loved watching the peas climb steadily up the gate.

Beautiful.  Makes you want to go hunting for an old gate, doesn’t it?

It also makes me hungry.  There is nothing in the world like fresh sugar snap peas straight off the vine in your own backyard.

Now to find the time to do battle on my weeds!

Hopeful Homemaker

What I requested for Mother’s Day

Dirt.  In lieu of flowers or a gift or whatever, I asked for a load of dirt.

We have garden beds to supplement and I have lots of weed patches that need to become something else.  So we got some dirt.

We really don’t have time for it right now, but the season marches on without us.  Sometimes that’s the only way to do things, to add them when you don’t think you can and just work harder.  The neighborhood children, including my own, are sure happy with it!

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