The Greater Journey: Americans in Paris, by David McCullough

I have been waiting for this book to come out for more than two years.  McCullough is,  without doubt,  my favorite contemporary historian.   One of my all-time favorite biographies is his book John Adams , and his 1776 is the book I recommend to everyone who asks me where to start reading about the American Revolution.  In fact, John Adams was also a favorite book with my Grandpa, who passed away this week.  One of my dear memories of him is discussing that book together.

I’ve heard him speak about some of his discoveries while researching this project and can’t wait to dive in.  I’ve finished one of my lavender books and have started on the other, and am two thirds of the way through another book on Lincoln, this one about the Gettysburg Address.  (Why am I incapable of reading only one book at a time?  I don’t know.)  I think I’m going to have to insert The Greater Journey into the reading list next.

I met David McCullough briefly a couple of years ago and observing him left a lasting impression on me.  I love the picture of him in Paris on the back cover:

Don’t you love it when your stack of books to read is tall?

Hopeful Homemaker

Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin

Do you have books that changed you?   Friends that have become so dear to you through powerful writing that you feel you know them?  This book has done that for me.

I finished reading “Team of Rivals”  a few weeks ago.  It is fabulous.  Much as I loved it,  I had a stomach ache during the last chapter because I knew the end of Lincoln’s life was coming and I almost couldn’t bear to read about the assassination.  When the book was over and he was dead,  I wept as if it had just happened.   It broke my heart to read about his activities on that last day of life,  which turned out to be such a happy one for him.  I felt myself pleading with him not to go to the theater that night,  wishing something would come up to change the outcome.

He is one of my heroes,  someone I would love to be worthy of knowing personally someday.  The respect and appreciation I already felt for him was increased tenfold by reading this book.  Written in an unusual way,  I not only grew in love and respect for Lincoln,  but also for many of his contemporaries.  I particularly grew to love Seward,  his Secretary of State,  and Stanton,  the Secretary of War.  Doris Kearns Goodwin crafted this incredible piece of historical literature by tracing the path of Lincoln and all his opponents for the presidency along their individual roads to political influence.   She wrote about the most unusual Cabinet ever assembled by a U.S. President and how Lincoln was able to pull it off.   She wrote in a way that revealed Lincoln as a political genius,  and not just a political genius,  but a man who understood people and human nature in ways that few ever do.

I found myself learning lessons along the way,  lessons about overcoming disappointment,  lessons about patience,  lessons about optimism and hope,  and also lessons about practicality.  I was completely captivated by this book.

It has been often written and said of Lincoln that he was a terribly depressed person.  I have always struggled with that diagnosis.  Having experienced depression myself,  I cannot see how a severely depressed man could summon the intelligence,  energy,  and ability to do what he did.  People who are depressed don’t function well,  they don’t cope well.  But Lincoln did.  After reading this book, I feel convinced that Abraham Lincoln was one of the most emotionally healthy individuals who have ever lived.
Perhaps his capacity for feeling was greater than most.  He felt great pain,  yes.  He suffered terrible losses.  He ached with everyone who lost loved ones in the war.  He buried two sons of his own,  one of them during his first term as President of the United States.   Of course he was familiar with sorrow and grief.  Yet he had an almost superhuman ability to rise above those terrible moments filled with faith in the future and faith in humankind.  He knew when to be serious but took time to laugh.  He understood how to change gears,  how to feed his own spirit with humor.  He understood himself,  and knew what to do to feed his spirit.  He knew how to refuel.  And he knew how to feed others as well.  He was incredibly patient,  willing to bear criticism for things he was not guilty of,  then hold no grudge toward those who had heaped criticism upon him.  In my mind,  he was much more than a political genius.  He was a genius in human nature.  He was amazing.

And I am inspired.

I highly recommend this book.


Today we honor those who have risked and given their lives in defense of our freedoms.  We honor and remember those we love who have gone before us.

In all our fun, in all the barbecues, in all the time outdoors and with friends I hope we pause to remember.  We need our history to maintain our identity.

The picture above is from our National Archives.  My grandpa is the gunner on that plane (the man closest to the camera).  He and the pilot were responsible for rescuing those men whose planes had gone down in the ocean.  The men were in the water, and the tide was carrying them toward the Truk Islands, which was occupied by the Japanese.  To save them from being captured as prisoners of war, my Grandpa and Burns landed their kingfisher plane in the ocean and taxied around to pick men up, all the while under enemy fire.  When they had collected all the men and balanced them on the wings so the plane wouldn’t capsize, they were picked up by the USS Tang, the submarine assigned to this battle.

I love this picture.  I love the story inside the story, the story of rescue missions planned and executed within the larger story of the battle plan and attack.  I love what it says about how much these men loved those who were fighting with them.  I love what it says about the worth of a soul.  It is part of my history, my identity.  I’m so proud of my Grandpa.

Happy Memorial Day.


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