Delilah quilt top

Remember my quilt along blocks , the ones that drove me crazy?

Well, after finishing the Swoon quilt I decided I wasn’t allowed to do anything else until I also finished the sashing for these blocks.  I’m tired of having the stack of squares sitting on the table reminding me that I’m not done.

So, here it is:

I am grateful that the white pulls the squares together and makes it all work.  What an interesting quilt this is… I love it and hate it at the same time.

I have someone in mind for this quilt, but first I have to decide how to quilt it, which seems to be another puzzle for me.  I wish I was better at this….

Hopeful Homemaker

Playing with glue and ink…

My little Christmas project got me excited about gluing cabochons to everyday objects and I’ve wanted to do it again.  Recently I found more flowers as well as some bobby pins with glue plates on them.  My daughter’s friend was being baptized so I tried my hand at a pair of hair pins, hoping it would make a simple but cute and useful gift.

A couple of months ago I experimented with my letter press supplies and made a bunch of these little cards with green chevron stripes on them, then had no clue what to use them for.  I set them aside and after the glue dried on the pins I noticed the cards and wondered how they would look together.  A couple of tiny holes were punched, the pins inserted, and another chevron gift bag was retrieved.

I think they turned out great!  I love the purple and green together, and a cute card made the pins look more like a gift.  The entire gift cost me less than $1.00 and I’m so pleased with how the package came together.

Wouldn’t this be a great idea for party favors at a birthday party, Christmas gifts for friends, or even an activity for girls to do together?  I think we’re going to be making more of them, and soon!


Little Baker

My second daughter has recently taken over the cookie-baking department at our home.

It’s been fun to watch her begin to master the process, and to enjoy her silly personality as well.

The cookies are delicious and she is so cute while she’s making them, standing on her chair at the counter with all the ingredients around her.  I sure love this girl!

These kiddos are growing up way too fast.


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