Cherry Harvest

We collected all the cherries off our trees recently and harvested… half a cup.  Two years ago we were harvesting dozens of gallon sized buckets but weather for the last two years has prevented good pollination.

Still, there’s nothing like fresh cherries straight from the tree in your backyard and we’re grateful at least to have a taste.

It’s a half empty/half full question.

We settled on half full.  There were enough for each of us to enjoy ice cream with a home grown cherry on top.

Life is good.


A Year of Habits, no. 28

It’s mid-July.  The sky has been a clear blue for several days as the temperatures have, at last, reached high enough that it’s definitely summer.  What is it about perfect summer days that almost make you think it will last forever?

It’s been a productive week at the Harrison house.  It was probably our least scheduled week of the year and we took advantage of it.  We moved half of our children to different bedrooms, going through all clothing and personal items in the process.  Our toy room is now a bedroom, a bedroom has become a toy room, and another bedroom turned upside down as well.  It’s been a lot of work but I’m happy that we’ve gone through all the toys, all the stuff, and pared things down to what I sincerely hope will be  a manageable amount.

I want to live more simply.  In a ruthless frame of mind I cleaned out the linen and game closets, took loads of things to the thrift store, set aside other things for a yard sale.  My goal is to go through everything in our house in the next two weeks; last week was a good start.

We had some fun as well:  trips to the pool, playing in the yard, quiet afternoons reading good books, smores with friends, movie nights, time tickling the little ones, talks with friends, staying up late to watch the full moon.

The lavender is harvested and hanging to dry.  I did a lot of weeding.  We’re eating produce from our gardens.  I made 20 pints of strawberry jam.  I’m still eating well.  I look back at the week and marvel at all we accomplished.  Then comes the thought,  “so this is life outside the car!”

Yesterday I celebrated my birthday.  My husband worked himself weary and made it a wonderful day and a couple of friends made it special with a surprise trip for dessert.  The house is cleaner than it’s been in a long time and I even spent a few minutes at the sewing machine.  We went swimming as a family and my husband and I enjoyed our favorite take out while we watched a movie together.  This wonderful group I call my family is awfully fun to be around.  My three year old melted my heart at bedtime when she sweetly said, “Goodnight.  I love you so much, birthday girl!”

Another week peeks at me from around the bend.  There is much to do but I’m optimistic it will all turn out well.

Life is good.


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