Lincoln at Gettysburg by Garry Wills

After finishing Team of Rivals I still wanted to read more about Abraham Lincoln.  Lincoln at Gettysburg was next on my list.  This book was tiny in comparison, around 200 pages.

I learned some really interesting things from this book.  First Wills traces the Greek Revival going on in the U.S. during Lincoln’s day and evaluates how well the Gettysburg Address follows patterns of funeral oratory used by the ancient Greeks.  The cemetery at Gettysburg also was representative of an affinity for Greek style at that time.  For the first time in my life I read the other speech given at Gettysburg, the two hour one given by Edward Everett.  He was the star of the show that day; Lincoln’s comments were meant only as a “few appropriate remarks.”

Yet those remarks have changed forever the way Americans view the founding and mission of our nation.  272 words.

Lincoln’s writing and speaking style have interested me for a long time.  Indeed, I agree with those who say that his are the only writings of all the U.S. Presidents that can rightly be called literature.  My reading in recent months has given me an appreciation for the way Lincoln’s ideas crystallized as he wrote and spoke over the course of 15 years, each time refining his ideas until he reached those crowning moments such as the Gettysburg Address and his second Inaugural Address.  It is thrilling to watch the development of such brilliance.

Hugh Blair wrote, “The first rule which I shall give for promoting the strength of a sentence is to prune it of all redundant words…. The exact import of precision may be drawn from the etymology of the words.  It comes from precidere , to cut off.  It imports retrenching all superfluities and turning the expression so as to exhibit neither more nor less than an exact copy of his ideas who uses it.”

I am painfully aware of my tendency to use too many words both in writing and speech.  It is a habit I am always working on.  Perhaps this weakness makes Lincoln’s mastery of “pruning” a sentence of all redundant words more amazing to me.   His ability to take suggestions, read the speeches and writings of others, then condense all of it in a compact and powerful sentence was amazing.

Quoting the author, “Lincoln’s speech at Gettysburg worked several revolutions, beginning with one in literary style.  Everett’s talk was given at the last point in history when such a performance could be appreciated without reservation.  It was made obsolete within a half-hour of the time when it was spoken.  Lincoln’s remarks anticipated the shift to vernacular rhythms that Mark Twain would complete twenty years later.  Hemingway claimed that all modern American novels are the offspring of Huckleberry Finn .  It is no greater exaggeration to say that all modern prose descends from the Gettysburg Address.” (Lincoln at Gettysburg, p. 148.)

It was also Abraham Lincoln who shifted America’s view of the Declaration of Independence to include the lofty ideal of holding out a promise of equality to all mankind.  It was Lincoln who shifted America’s view to make the Declaration of Independence our founding document (instead of the Constitution).  Even today, we perceive nation differently because of the way Lincoln traced the majority of his political thought to the Declaration of Independence.

In sum, my heart thrills at the writings of Lincoln and my appreciation for them has been enhanced by the scholarship of Garry Wills in writing this book.   I highly recommend it.

A Year of Habits, no. 27

As I type my husband sits on the floor playing a game of SCUM with the oldest five children.  Our baby has removed all her clothes and is running around like the crazy woman she is, throwing whatever she can get her hands on while her five year old brother laughs with delight and follows.  The three year old melted down earlier and is now sleeping peacefully.  Once again I look at the clock and lament the hour but part of me whispers, “What is summer for?” as I watch our children interact with each other and their Dad.  These are the moments that we miss when we’re too busy.  These are the moments that contribute so much to family life and family memories.  And so I delay bedtime… again.

This is only the third weekend in seven weeks that our family has been at home.  It’s nice to be just us, in our own home, together.  It’s been a busy week.  We went from vacation mode to soccer tournament mode quickly and I had an important project to finish.  I’m behind on laundry but really we’ve done pretty well considering all the factors.

In general I feel good about the week.  I finished a project and started another book.  The car is clean.  I cleaned out a closet and got rid of things we no longer need.  An idea struck and I spent some time organizing in the basement to prepare for it.  I enjoyed a great mother/daughter date with one of my girls.  I spent time snuggling with my little ones and had a great talk with my 6 year old.  We visited with neighbors, and I even got to help with the cutest wedding idea of all time (more on that later).  Miraculously, I remembered a couple of birthdays and got some mini cakes baked and delivered.  I’m eating well and it feels good.  We started a new read-aloud chapter book as a family.  I spent time evaluating what matters most to me, working on specific things to make more room in my life for those essential things.  It feels good to be still, to ponder, to ask hard questions, to implement.  We were busy but good things happened.  I wonder, is it possible I’m learning something?  Perhaps, or this could also be an indication of how well things flow when we’re not overloaded.  The overload factor is a big part of the picture and I’ve got a lot to learn in this area, but it feels good to know what you need to work on.

I also did something that was really hard for me.  I went through all my baby boy clothes and got rid of most of them, saving only those that really tugged at my heart.  I was literally shaking as I did it.  I kept taking a deep breath and telling myself that I could do it and that it was ok.  I guess I’m slowly, very slowly, coming to grips with 8 being our upper limit.  I so wanted more but here we are, stretched so thin that there are gaping holes.  I probably should have called some friends to pass the clothing along but I had to take it directly to the car and off to the thrift store before I started crying.  I did it.  And the week went on just fine.

Up ahead this week:  lots of organizational projects around the house plus some good, old fashioned summer fun.  And, if I’m really good, a bit of sewing as well.

What’s ahead for your family this week?


While we were in California I found myself drawn at every turn to the succulents planted everywhere.

This huge fountain on Balboa Island, planted with succulents was breathtaking.  Taller than I am, the sheer size of it was impressive.

I love the flower shapes of so many of them.

This huge round planter, also on Balboa Island, held the largest succulents I’ve ever seen.  They were more than 12 inches in diameter.  Gorgeous.

I thought the shape of these were so interesting.  The layers of growth form a square type flower.

I love the way these open.  They remind me of artichokes.

Perhaps the stars of the show came when I walked through Rogers Gardens near Fashion Island Mall.  There was a small hill covered with these succulents on thick stems standing a foot or two off the ground.  Their appearance reminded me of something you’d see in a Dr. Seuss book.  They’re unusual, but I really like them.

The yellow in these made them my favorite.  So whimsical and cheery!

Which is your favorite?

Hopeful Homemaker

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