Yard Sale Finds

While in Denver for Memorial Day weekend, we couldn’t resist hitting some yard sales on Saturday morning.  We drove into town around 2:30 a.m. but my eyes popped open at 7:30 and I was wide awake, ready for the fun.

It was fun to see which of my children were interested in joining us.  These two brought plenty of humor to our morning.

I scored two awesome deals that morning.  The first was these four vintage chairs for…. $15.00!

This kind of chair was the only thing on my wish list.  I was hoping for two, but would happily have settled for just one, and I expected to pay a decent amount for them because they’re rather popular right now.

I would happily have paid that price for just one, but a set of four for only $15?!?  Rather than let my chin hit the floor when they told me the price, I put the cash in their hands fast so they couldn’t change their minds.  They’re in great condition and the caning is still perfect.  Wow, talk about a deal!  I am so excited to refinish them.

The other amazing find was this vintage dresser, still wearing its original paint.   It was a steal at $15.00.

It’s so beautiful.  (To me, that is.  My husband, who came with me for the first time EVER, was NOT impressed with the “junk” I was hauling away.  It was kind of a funny moment, and perhaps I should have yielded,  but I knew I’d never see another piece like this.)

I love the oval detail on the front of the piece, and the hardware is amazing.  It’s missing one piece, and the bottom drawer is damaged, but I’m still in love with it.  I also love the detail on the bottom and the legs are beautiful.

Our van isn’t built for the kind of maneuvering and hauling that yard sales require, so it was kind of a pain to be driving it.  We also kept the back seat in, which meant we had no room for the dresser (another reason for my husband’s disgust with my purchase).  Gratefully, my sister and her husband graciously packed it in their truck for a crazy, windy drive with a big load to their home in Logan.  Now it’s waiting for me there, and I just have to find time to go and get it.

Can you believe it:  five awesome pieces for $30 total.  Fun, fun, fun!  Welcome summer!

Hopeful Homemaker


Last week my husband updated both WordPress as well as the theme I use for this blog.  The theme update messed up all sorts of things, like my logo as well as making it look like I never add a space after a comma.  The problem is that we’ve been swamped and I haven’t had time to get things fixed.  SO… I’m sorry for the mess and hope to have it looking better soon!


A Year of Habits, no. 22

My heart is bursting with feeling today; a summary of this week’s progress is difficult to assemble.

On Friday my oldest turned fourteen.
On Friday my children finished school for the summer.

Today my Grandpa died.

I’m so glad we spent last weekend with him!
And today, only minutes after that passing, my 14 year old son was ordained to the office of Teacher in the Aaronic Priestood.
I’ve cried a lot, pondered, felt my heart burst with pride.  I’ve felt relief, sadness, joy.  And sunburned.  I spent a lot of hours in the yard this week without sunscreen on my arms.  Brilliant.

What is there to say?  We finished another school year, and we tried to finish strong.  There are still a few things I wish I’d done, but we certainly had some victories.  Overall, I’d say our finish was better this year than last, which means we’re growing.

My summer plan isn’t fully developed yet but I’ve spent time prioritizing and praying.  I feel the weight of knowing I have my children to myself for only a few months of the year, and it needs to be time well spent.  Finding that balance between work and fun is tricky with the many different ages we have but I’ll give it my best effort.  There are a number of habits I’m anxious to work on with the children in coming weeks.

Tonight, I really just have two thoughts.  I’m so proud of my son.

And I miss my Grandpa.  So much.


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