
Fourteen years ago today I became a mother and my life changed forever.  It’s hard to believe he’s that old, but here we are.  I’m so grateful there’s still some good in him after all my mistakes (and many more to come, I’m sure).

We had a beautiful evening and he spent the time hanging out with his friends.

Today was also the last day of school.  He’s done with 8th grade and on to 9th.  Wow.  A freshman?  That always seemed so far away and suddenly it’s reality.  It’s been a tough year but I’m proud of him.  I’m proud of the areas in which he’s begun to chip away at his weaknesses, proud of him for doing things that are difficult for him, proud of him for believing in himself when many others didn’t.  He’s a great young man.

A great young man who prefers pinching his candles instead of blowing them out.  He makes me laugh.

Happy Birthday, son!


Apple Shaped Mini Pies

School is almost out and my little ones and I celebrated today by making some miniature apple-shaped pies for the big kids’ after school snack.  We had just finished reading A Was Once an Apple Pie, and it seemed like a good idea.

I went for ease rather than taste.  I grabbed some store bought pie crusts from the refrigerated section and a can of apple pie filling.  I have an amazing apple pie recipe, but I knew that I’d be baking with three helpers age 5 and under so I opted to keep things simple.  I’m glad I did.  We had a lot of fun together.

When they cooled we slipped them in little bags to give to the big kids.

While the taste could be improved simply by using a real recipe, the pies turned out great.  They looked good, and my family gobbled them up.  They were really easy to make.

My little ones and I had so much fun that we’ll definitely do this again soon.  It was a great activity.

mold found here Hopeful Homemaker

More adventures…

Remember my little comment about putting highlighters away ?

Well, the same goes for big sister’s mascara.

I don’t think it was as much fun as she anticipated.  Mascara hurts when it’s in your eye.

The beard was a nice touch, however.

Notice she’s wearing the same clothes in this post .  Let’s just say it was an adventurous day.

And some days are like that.
At least she cleans up nicely.

Hopeful Homemaker

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