
French bread loaves cooling on my kitchen counter.  Is there anything more wonderful?

I tried a new recipe yesterday.  Crispy on the outside, soft and chewy on the inside, this bread was perfect.  It took a long time but was worth the wait.    I’ll be making more today, it’s that good  (and I promise to share the recipe after I master it).

The recipe said to let the bread cool completely before slicing.  I tried.  Really I did.  And then I thought to myself, “What good is a loaf of bread that isn’t fabulous when it’s still warm?”  So I tore a piece off, it’s heat warming my fingers as steam rose from the center of the loaf.  Don’t worry, it’s fabulous warm, and therefore a keeper.  I was grateful at that moment for a large hungry family to share with, else I would have eaten too much.

As I tore pieces of the loaf to share with each member of my family, a reverent feeling crept into my heart.  The words “making home” came to mind.  That is what I’m doing.  It is such a privilege.

Hopeful Homemaker

Yellow Chevron Crib Skirt

When I made a yellow chevron pillow for this room , I had no idea how much I would like it.  It was just one of those happy things.  As I’ve continued to work on the room with a few minutes here and there, I’ve decided to use yellow throughout the bedroom as an accent.

I ordered more yellow chevron fabric, and made a crib skirt.  I’m in love with how it turned out.  It’s unexpected.  It also adds a modern, grown up feeling to the room, which is one of my goals .

I dug through my vintage linens and brought out a pink cameo pillowcase which I love.  It fits her personality and tastes so well.   It sits beneath the artwork she and her older sister drew and taped up together.  The pennant pillow is a favorite of hers, as well as the flower garden quilt I made before she was born.

There is something wonderful about creating things for young children, and watching their delight in receiving them.

Above the crib I hung my vintage metal wreath .  I couldn’t bear to pack it away after Christmas, but didn’t want it in the kitchen.  I think it’s found it’s permanent home.  It’s one of a kind, adds dimension and is perfect for over a little girl’s bed.

The room is coming along in snatches of time here and there.  I have three DIY projects to find time for, and then it will be done.   I’m pleased with the direction it’s taken, and have also been thrilled to see how much easier it is for the girls and I to keep their room clean.  It’s true that loving the way a room looks encourages better habits.

But for all the fun I’m having with this space, this might be the best detail of all:

Two young children playing happily together.  Oh, how I love these moments.  They make me feel like the world is going to be ok.

Jennifer Oh, I almost forgot.  I got the yellow chevron fabric here .


Yesterday brought several hours of sunshine, and I couldn’t have been happier about it.   I literally ran around the house opening curtains and blinds to let every bit of light in.  Then I played my still-favorite music album and danced my way through the cleaning.  I was happy enough that even my boys’ room seemed easy.  I wanted to go buy flowers enough to fill every empty container I own.  It was that kind of day.

Really, it’s amazing how much more potential the day seems to hold when the sun comes out.  I cleaned much more than usual, got dinner made early, and generally felt on top of the world.   The cumulative effect of cloudy days this winter has really been getting to me lately.  Monday was so cloudy I was fighting back tears of discouragement all day.  The continuing pain in my mouth left me feeling tired and fragile, and my three year old fell and sliced her chin open.  We sat in the doctor’s office waiting for what turned out to only need steri-strips and watched snowflakes fall.  I wanted to cry with her.

Yesterday’s sun was such a gift.  I was driving children to all their activities from 4:00 to 7:30 without a break last night, and it felt SO GOOD to come home from all that driving to a clean house.

It appears the gray skies are back again, which means we’re averaging one day a week when the sun shows itself.  There were many years in my life when I didn’t give a thought to sunshine.  I took it for granted, assuming the majority of my days would be sunny.

Not anymore.   I am grateful, so grateful for sunshine and for how good it makes me feel.


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