Quilt Along Progress

For the postage stamp quilt along….

One block done, forty seven left to go.

Question to self:  “You thought you had time for this project because…..?”
Answer to self:  “I know, I know.  But this year we’re going to finish all our projects, remember?  So we’re committed.”

I’m not sure why these strips of fabric are intimidating me.  It’s very easy sewing, but it takes time.  I think I’m looking at that stack, looking at the clock, looking at the calendar, and wondering when I’ll fit it in.  A few at a time, that’s where.

Now this is where this post (and the inner workings of my brain) will get even more confusing.  I started a second one.  Now that makes sense, doesn’t it?!  It’s the Bloggers Block-A-Palooza quilt along.  The first block was available yesterday and there will be two blocks each week, each block designed by a different blogger.  I’m intrigued to try it, partly to see what kinds of blocks are involved, partly to see if I learn something new.

So I sat down for a few minutes this afternoon and put together the first block.  I’m all caught up and it should be rather easy to keep it that way if I give it 20 minutes twice a week.

It’s a twelve inch block.  Instead of going with the fabric collection that the quilt along is using, I chose one that appeals to me a little bit more.  Since the entire quilt design hasn’t been unveiled, it’s kind of a stab in the dark to choose fabrics for each block but I decided to go for a quilt that will have its own look to it instead of making the exact same one that so many others are making.  I hope it turns out well in the end.  I love the fabrics, so I really want to love the quilt.

I’m using the Delilah fabrics by Tanya Whelan and will supplement from my stash if needed.  I am NOT buying fabric for either of these projects.

Off to get the children to bed…

Hopeful Homemaker

“Nothing to Wear”

My three-year-old daughter received mostly clothes for her birthday and for Christmas.

The fact that she wanted them is a big hint that she’s got older sisters.

I could only laugh when the little girl who has a dresser full of new, clean, adorable clothes, who wears jammies like this:

lay in a heap on the couch crying, “There’s nothing to wear!”

“OH MY,” I thought.  Talk about being a product of placement in family!  She’s definitely the 4th girl in this house.  This was only the 4th outfit for the day.

Yeah, we’re in for it.  But she’s so cute.  Even cuter than her clothes.  I love this little one.


Paper Rosette Gift Tag

I mailed a special package last week, and at the last minute had an idea.

I had a few sheets left over from my book page wreath project.  I decided to try making just a few little flowers for a gift tag.

The cardstock I picked up at an American Crafts warehouse sale, 25 sheets for $1.  I thought it coordinated well with the gray tissue paper and green ribbon I was using.  I simply hot glued the flowers to the cardstock, and added a couple of faux suede leaves (a May Arts ribbon that I love).

I punched a hole in the top left corner behind the flowers to thread a ribbon through, then added a handwritten greeting.

One of my goals for this year is to re-establish the habit of thoughtfulness in my daily life.  Once upon a time (as in, back when I had 5 children) I felt like I did a really good job of being thoughtful.  It brought a lot of joy to my life and also helped me to nurture and maintain friendships.  Then the last 3 children came along and, like so many other things, small gestures of thoughtfulness fell out of my life in favor of plain old survival.

Taking five minutes to make this sweet tag made me feel happy.  It was simple, but gave me the chance to create something with a dear friend in mind.  It also cost me nothing because I used materials I have on hand.  This was a great way to make a few of those awesome paper flowers without committing to hours with a glue gun in hand!

If you’re interested, the flower tutorial is here .  Have a great day!

Hopeful Homemaker

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