Christmas Mantel
Only those who know me best (or who’ve had the courage to ask) know how much I hate the mantel on our family room fireplace. The mantel in our master bedroom, however, is another story. I love everything about it, so of course it deserved some holiday cheer:
I use this garland on my fireplace every year. I love the rich green color and how it plays so dramatically off the soft blues and whites in the room.
New this year is the gorgeous white wreath made from antlers. I added a simple silver ribbon near the top.
Did I mention that I love this wreath? It is just so cool! Painted white, it’s one of my favorite things.
I added more of my silver wire balls to this garland, making the lights a bit more magical.
I kept the color scheme simple, adding only green and silver to the room. It makes the whole room feel very calm and serene, which is just what I was hoping for. I could use more calm and serenity in my life! (who couldn’t?)
And the family room mantel? Well, I gave my twelve year old daughter my all-time favorite nativity scene and let her decorate it for me. I think she did a great job.
And the stockings are hung… it’s really Christmas, isn’t it? Don’t you just love this time of year?
Jennifer shared here