Sand Dollar Applique Block
It’s no secret that I enjoy applique . I have a long list of patterns to make, all using applique. But lately I’ve wanted to make more of my own shapes and try an improv, free-form style of sewing with applique. I guess this little sand dollar applique block is my first effort. In all our years of wandering on the beach, my kids and I have become really good at spotting sand dollars. We’ve found them as small as 1/4 inch in diameter, and as large as a few inches across. They’re the ultimate treasure.
It feels appropriate to have a sand dollar block somewhere in a quilt. So I cut some fabric and decided to try my hand at this little shape. I ended up making two sizes. I’ll likely play with my idea some more before deciding what to do with it, but this was a lot of fun.
It was also fun to tape them to random little spots for photos.
Here’s the thing: I want to sew my story into my quilts. I want them to tell the story of our lives, of my family, of my heart. This feeling has been a guiding principle for a while now in my quilting, and it just keeps growing. So this cute little sand dollar applique block is a little piece of that story. And I can’t sew fast enough. I’m sure I’ll never run out of things I want to say in my quilts.
I am deeply grateful for this form of self-expression. It’s art I can wrap around my loved ones, and a way of saying things I don’t always have words for. Creativity is such an essential part of life. I am happier, more confident, more content when creating has space in my daily life. Even if it’s stitching a little sand dollar in fabric.
Happy sewing!