Three Ears

I have often done my toddler girls’ hair in this style.  It keeps it out of their faces while it grows out.

It also helps them look even more adorable when they “smile” for pictures.

My five year old recently informed me that when I do hair this way, I’m giving her three ears.
“Two regular ones on  her head, and a bear’s ear on top.”

Hmm.  Never thought of it that way, but this hairdo has now been officially nicknamed the “bear’s ear” by my kids.  I suppose it resembles the ears on a teddy bear?  Everyone but the girl whose hair we are discussing seems to think it’s great.

As for me, she’s cute no matter how many “ears” she’s got.  Oh, the things children think of!

Hopeful Homemaker

Somebody’s Four Today!

Happy Birthday to my little guy!

He started it off with a doughnut and now just has to WAIT for everyone to get home from school and work so we can celebrate.  (That’s LOTS of waiting when you’re four.)

Still, it promises to be a great day.  I just asked him “what’s the best thing about being four?”  His answer, “Money.”

I’ll let you know when he fills me in on the relationship between the two.

One Step Report #11

Wow.  Another week gone, and before I know it, April will be here!  That’s both good and bad, because it means the weather will get better but I also have a lot to do before then… wish me luck.  We’ve had blue skies and sun for two days in a row, and we’ve thoroughly enjoyed it.

Steps taken this week:  83 steps.  Wow.  That sounds like a lot.  I must admit that I’m tempted to penalize myself 20 or 30 steps because my house is so messy right now BUT the purpose of this program is to focus on the positive.  Hopefully I’ll be more successful in the housekeeping department this week.  If not, we’ll still live.

Highlights from the week:

1.  I finally chose a pattern and cut into my Rouenneries layer cake that I’ve been saving since last October.  The pieces are all  cut and waiting to be put together.  I’m excited about this quilt! (Look at that aqua…)

Rouenneries and aqua quilt pieces

2.  I was able to attend a gymnastics meet that my oldest daughter was competing in and I thoroughly enjoyed it.  It was one of those experiences when you sense how much your child is growing up and you feel so happy for them and so happy about who they’re becoming.  I’ve been consciously working on my interactions with her and I feel pleased with what’s happening.

3.  We had our first soccer scrimmage of the season, and I’m taking a deep breath.  The next 9 weeks are going to be CRAZY but I’m going to do my best to enjoy it instead of stress about it.

4.  When a bit of rough play caused an electrical problem in a bathroom this week, my husband and I were able to take a deep breath and handle it calmly.  This allowed us to let our son spend time helping repair the problem and created a memorable father/son experience.

5.  I had a couple of brief but good conversations today with other mothers while I was in the hall at church with a noisy baby.  It’s such a blessing to connect with other women I admire, even if it is only for a minute or two.

6.  Today I made some homemade peanut butter cups.  YUM!

On that sweet note, I’ll wish you a wonderful week!

Hopeful Homemaker

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