Spring Bouquet

We’ve had some cheerful flowers in the kitchen this week, a reminder of our Easter celebration.

Naturally I had to take some pictures.

I find myself doing this for two reasons:

One, to preserve the beauty, capture the memory, remind myself how much I have to appreciate.

Two, to practice using my camera.

Shallow depth of field and aperture is something that really fascinates me, and flowers are a fun subject to learn on.

They sit still much longer than my children do.

This little exercise also helps me look more closely at my flowers.

I always walk away marveling.

Did you know that fresh flowers in a home really do make people feel better?  Did you know that people who buy flowers for themselves tend to be happier?

It certainly works for me!  Food for the soul…

Hope your weekend has been lovely!

Hopeful Homemaker


My oldest loves to ride his longboard (skateboard) with his buddies.  Just last week two of his uncles kindly made a video of him riding.  Today while he was riding he somehow broke AND dislocated one of his fingers.


An otherwise fun day (and spring break) ended with this:

We’ll be seeing a hand specialist to be certain it’s healing properly, and hopefully no surgery will be necessary.    Meanwhile, school will be tough next week with his right hand out of commission.  Especially band.  You can’t play the clarinet with one hand.  Poor guy.  I feel so bad for him.

He’s being a good sport about it.  Nights like this make you thankful for so many things that you don’t usually remember to be thankful for.  Life is interesting!

Hope your fingers are all intact!:)

Hopeful Homemaker

Baby Chicks

The sun has come at last!  We took the chicks outside this morning to play with them.

Easter chicks

My brother and his sons are visiting from Colorado, and it was fun to include them in the adventure.

We started with a clump of children around a clump of chicks…

but soon spread out a little and had a great time.

We also had the cutest spectator ever.

Enjoy the pictures!

This kid NEVER smiles in pictures.  I’m so happy to have caught him smiling without reserve.

It has been cute to watch the children enjoy having these little pets in the house for several days.   This afternoon the little chicks will be starting a new adventure living with a different set of cousins.

Thanks so much, Grandma and Grandpa, for providing this wonderful memory!

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