May’s Calendar

Since the end of April I’ve spent considerable time going through every email, every paper sent home, visiting multiple websites, consulting school and district calendars, etc. to learn the time and date of everything that concerns any of my children during May.  It’s the month of insanity, and as I was going through it all, I quickly realized that I could never fit it all on a piece of paper.

I raided my dwindling supply of posterboard (I stash a bunch of it at the beginning of the school year so we never have to go to the store late at night for the surprise poster assignment) and made myself a calendar for May.

Try as I might to minimize it, this month always runs us dry, and often before the month has ended.   I don’t want my kids to think that because you’re sick of it, you get to quit.  I want them to finish the school year well.

want to finish the year well (although that goal often morphs as the month goes on into something that resembles surviving it more than conquering it).

So instead of wasting space with names, I chose a marker for each family member and made a color-coded calendar.  At a glace I can see who needs to be where every day.  I didn’t include the long lists of items that need to be finished, or errands, or piano and violin practice.  It doesn’t include the time it takes to tape ankles before games and practices, or driving time or pick-up times.   My personal lists are elsewhere.  This is just the basics.

I’m liking the size of it.  It may be my new scheduling strategy.

I also went through each student’s online gradebooks at their respective schools and made lists of every missing assignment and whatever upcoming assignments were posted.  I know we’re going to get slammed with some projects that I haven’t heard about yet, but I can at least be aware of what has already been assigned and we can at least tackle any missing work.   On the back of the calendar I’ve listed those assignments, also by color, titling them “rescue missions.”

Because most of them were sick before spring break, there are a few of those that weren’t attended to well.  My handsome son who missed a week of school for his ankle has a long list of missing work.  I requested assignments from his teachers that week, but only 3 responded and so we’re doing lots of rescuing there.

I’ll be honest.  The calendar by itself doesn’t look too bad.  The list of schoolwork looks doable.  Putting them together is tricky.  Take tonight, for example.  We’re going to spend 5 hours driving to, waiting for, watching and driving home from a soccer game.  It will be fun, but it’s tough to get much done under those circumstances.  We will have another late bedtime for the younger ones.  Add to that the laundry, haircuts, clean rooms, meal prep, reading time, and I quickly feel like this:

I am trying to avoid eating poorly during an on-the-run month.  With little time for cooking, many of our meals look like this:

Some of the kids don’t love it but they all eat it, and that’s a good thing.

As the month flies by I’m also noticing a lot of areas in which we’re falling short.  Some of the children have developed behavior patterns that need to be corrected.  I’m keeping a list of them so that the minute school is out we can begin Behavior Modification 101, or in layman’s terms, do what you’re asked to do when you’re asked to do it.  Should be fun!

How is your May going?

Hopeful Homemaker

The Cast is Off!

Monday morning found us at the surgeon’s office to get our first look at the broken ankle, post-surgery.  Here he is on the table, equal parts anticipation and worry, trying to hide both, and irritated with his mom for remembering the camera.  Someday I think he’ll be glad we have pictures of his life, but right now he’s mostly disgusted by my efforts at record keeping.

Seriously, it was the biggest cast I’ve ever seen on the lower leg.  EVERYONE commented on how enormous it was.  At school he had people stop him to ask about it, and I heard a lady at church exclaim, “THAT for just an ankle?”

All that padding!

And the ankle emerges at last…

And there is the incision.  It’s longer than they said it would be.  The pre-operative markings are still there.  The x-rays look good, but he’ll be in a boot and on crutches a while longer.  They removed the stitches but one of them broke and will just have to work it’s way out.   The ankle is still quite swollen, which they said is common.  He has no feeling around the area, which should return with time.   So this phase is finished and we’ll press forward.  Four more weeks until more x-rays and then we’ll find out when he can start walking again.

I had NO idea when this first happened how long the process would be.   Poor guy.  He is sick, sick, sick of crutches, but grateful he can take normal showers again, fit his leg through normal clothes, and so forth.  There is always something good to find, right?

These little people were fabulous while we waited.  There were no chairs in the cast room so we just stood there against the cabinets and watched.

And life goes on.  I hope I make it to June.


I love having daughters

I was in the hallway at church on Sunday as my children came to meet me after their classes.  One after one they said to me, “Mom!  It’s Janice’s birthday!  We need to have a party!”  By the time we got home their enthusiasm for the idea had taken on a life of it’s own.  A phone call was made and a time chosen.

I went to work in the kitchen and sent my girls outside to create the party scene.

A little while later I peeked out the window to see what they had come up with and smiled with delight.  It wasn’t just the supplies they’d chose to use that made me happy, but the feeling of love and teamwork they displayed.  I felt like I was watching a scene from Little Women or something.  They were a group of sisters totally consumed with making something pretty as a gesture of love for someone they care about.

I think that most mothers feel like they have more than enough bickering among their children and I would certainly fall in that category.  When afternoons like this one come along I thrill at the way they treat one another.  The “payoff” moments are fleeting, but they do come and it’s an added blessing when you’re there to witness them.

My two year old is an absolute riot.  I wish I had a running audio recording of her from morning till night.  The things that come out of her mouth are beyond hilarious.   During this little decorating event she was walking around saying “Someday when I am a mom I will make pupcakes for Sister Ingalls’ birthday!  I will.  I will make pupcakes when I am a big mom someday.”  The picture below was taken in the middle of such a recital.

The birthday party was a success.  I’ll share pictures of it this week.  I also need to remember what happened before the party.  I am so grateful for these daughters, for the way they nurture one another, for their creative vision and talents, for their desire to help make special memories for others.  I am such a fortunate mom!

Hopeful Homemaker

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