The Way of Tulips

My husband gave me tulips for Valentines Day.  I love tulips, love them so much.

There is something about the way tulips bend and reach that speaks to my heart.  They lean on each other, they reach out and around to bend toward the light.  Sometimes they bow in the middle yet the flower so often lifts its head.  I love how gracefully they do this.  They are graceful yet strong.  They communicate movement, change and pose all at the same time.  I love it.

I don’t feel like I’ve been very graceful lately.  I’ve been overwhelmed by some of the challenges of motherhood, worried sick about some of my children, tired, anxious.  I want to follow the example of my tulips.  It’s ok to bend and to lean, but it’s best to still lift your head to the light.  So what if I have some things I’m not happy about?  That’s all the more reason to seek happiness, to lift my head, to calm my heart and find peace in doing my best, in doing what is most important.  All the more reason to put a smile on my face and a bounce in my step, to find delight in little things.

As I’ve watched these flowers for the past week, I’ve been reminded of my favorite Shaker hymn, “Simple Gifts.”

Tis the gift to be simple, ’tis the gift to be free
‘Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,

‘Twill be in the valley of love and delight.
When true simplicity is gain’d,

To bow and to bend we shan’t be asham’d,
To turn, turn will be our delight,

Till by turning, turning we come ’round right.
I guess one of life’s great lessons is coming down happily where we ought to be, even though it isn’t where we thought we’d be, bowing and bending with grace and not shame, trusting that we’ll come ’round right in the valley of love and delight in the end.  And trusting God even when the turning feels more like spinning.

Study Little Things

“It is by studying little things, that we attain the great art of having as little misery, and as much happiness as possible.” -Samuel Johnson I feel like I’ve been studying a lot of big things lately, big things that leave me exhausted and trembling.  It’s time to take a step back and study some little things.

It’s Valentine’s Day tomorrow.

I have a lovely list of things I wanted to accomplish before this holiday hit.  Some really fun ideas, some really thoughtful ones too.  But as happens all too often, life got in the way.  I remind myself that this really isn’t as big a holiday as the stores would have us think.  I didn’t want to do it to impress anybody,  only to bring to life ideas I have flitting around in my head, and to express my love for my family in fun ways.

As I sat with my hot chocolate and heart shaped marshmallows, I said good-bye to the big plans I’d made, and decided that tomorrow will be a day of little things.  Little things done with love.


Winter Fun

My little ones and I enjoyed an afternoon in the sunshine and snow last week.

I confess to being smitten with my little one in her new sweater, hat and gloves.  Yeah, she’s cute.

My four year old was equally cute in her getup.  Shorts.  But she was thrilled with herself because everything was pink, as she put it, “dark pink, hot pink, light pink.”  It was warm enough that I let her run around until she felt cold.

Their big brother was intent on one thing only:  building a snowman by himself.

My little one had a conversation with it.

Generally we had a lot of fun.  It was a truly beautiful afternoon.

Oh, I love that little face!

Since it might turn out to be the only snow we get to play in all winter, I’m glad I let the laundry sit a little longer.  We made a great memory.


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