
The golden morning sunlight burst through my kitchen windows to kiss the orange tulips across the room.

Bending, reaching, opening, they seem anxious to greet it.

The back door is open and a gentle breeze floats across the room.   Songbirds mingle their voices with the sounds of my children playing happily in the cool morning.  We have work to do, but it’s so hard to call them in.  It’s their first early morning of 2011 spent outside in the sunlight.

I’m hoping it lasts.  We need a real spring around here.


A Moment’s Pause

I sat in the living room listening to my daughter practice her violin.  My youngest wandered in, curious about the violin and wanting to be near her big sister.

Something about the sight tugged at my heart.  My life is noisy, busy, often messy and chaotic.  There is a lot of action, a lot of people going all kinds of directions.  But there are also moments like this.  Moments of beauty, stillness and peace.

Moments when the purity and goodness of children fills my heart with reassurance and hope.  When the sweetness of my little one testifies of the potential we each have.

Moments when I appreciate the beauty and depth each person adds to our family.

It was only a moment.  But it was perfect.

I love being a mother.

Hopeful Homemaker


Yesterday brought several hours of sunshine, and I couldn’t have been happier about it.   I literally ran around the house opening curtains and blinds to let every bit of light in.  Then I played my still-favorite music album and danced my way through the cleaning.  I was happy enough that even my boys’ room seemed easy.  I wanted to go buy flowers enough to fill every empty container I own.  It was that kind of day.

Really, it’s amazing how much more potential the day seems to hold when the sun comes out.  I cleaned much more than usual, got dinner made early, and generally felt on top of the world.   The cumulative effect of cloudy days this winter has really been getting to me lately.  Monday was so cloudy I was fighting back tears of discouragement all day.  The continuing pain in my mouth left me feeling tired and fragile, and my three year old fell and sliced her chin open.  We sat in the doctor’s office waiting for what turned out to only need steri-strips and watched snowflakes fall.  I wanted to cry with her.

Yesterday’s sun was such a gift.  I was driving children to all their activities from 4:00 to 7:30 without a break last night, and it felt SO GOOD to come home from all that driving to a clean house.

It appears the gray skies are back again, which means we’re averaging one day a week when the sun shows itself.  There were many years in my life when I didn’t give a thought to sunshine.  I took it for granted, assuming the majority of my days would be sunny.

Not anymore.   I am grateful, so grateful for sunshine and for how good it makes me feel.


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