1.5 Inch Gleaned – a beginning

I’ve made a beginning on my 1.5 inch Gleaned quilt, and liked it so much that I sewed my blocks together to see how they look.  And….I love them!  (Don’t tell my original 2.5″ Gleaned Quilt, but this version might be my favorite.)  I have sixteen blocks made and sewn together.

All these little scraps summon memories of other projects.  Its delightful to be using even the small pieces to make something new.  Once again I’m using the Art Gallery Pure Solids in linen and slate for those adorable black and white corners.  I love the way those tiny bits of solids pull everything together.

This section measures 24″ square.  My goal is to make a 60″ x 72″ quilt with these 1.5 inch Gleaned blocks. I need 104 more!  I’m sure it will take time, but seeing this little section motivates me to do it.  I find it’s the sorting and cutting of scraps that takes longest; once I get sewing the blocks come easily.

If you’re tempted to make one, please join me!  The pattern is available free to all newsletter subscribers.  Register here to download the pattern.  My Gleaned quilts are turning out to be a deep dive into my scrap bins.  In fact, I’m starting to wonder if I should implement some sort of scrap organization system to save time in the future.  Right now they’re all just tossed together.  How do you organize your scraps?  I don’t feel like I have room for new containers, so I’m going to have to get creative.  Please share your tips!

And now I’m going to sort through another pile of scraps in search of the perfect pieces for my next round of blocks.

Yep, this 1.5″ Gleaned quilt block project has got me hooked!



Gleaned Quilt + Pattern

I’m so happy to be here today!  It’s release day for my Gleaned Quilt Pattern.  Last week I wrote about my love for the biblical story of Ruth.  Her story fills deep places in my heart, and I have loved thinking of her as I made this quilt.  Coincidentally, I ended up at the BYU MOA last weekend and saw a lovely series of works based on Ruth by American painter Brian Kershisnik, which included this painting of her gleaning.  I love his portrayal of her as being strong and able. My quilt top is now all quilted and bound, and the pattern is ready.  So here it is, my Gleaned Quilt + Pattern.  Keep reading to get your free copy of the pattern!

This quilt measures 60″ x 72″ and is made with scraps both old and new.  I enjoyed hunting through years of scraps to find more favorites as I sewed the blocks.  Gleaned is also written with two block size options.  This quilt requires 2.5″ strips, and the second option calls for 1.5″ strips.   It’s fun to make and even more fun to smile at once finished.

I played with a free motion quilting pattern for this quilt.  It features three circles (smaller grains?) inside the center strip, with arcs on the outer strips and simple orange peel arcs in the black and white triangles.  It’s simple, imperfectly done, and feels fitting to me.  I enjoyed quilting as it gave me opportunity to revisit all these fun prints.

I pulled a favorite Kaffe print from his Artisan collection years ago to use on the back, and supplemented with an Amy Butler print leftover from my Raspberry Applique quilt back.

The scraps made me want stripes for a binding, but black and white was too distracting.  I settled on this fun rectangular print that mostly reads as stripes for binding.

Speaking of Ruth, I have gleaned SO MUCH, over and over again, from the quilting community.  What a special group of artists and makers we are!  Therefore, I am offering my Gleaned Quilt Pattern free to all newsletter subscribers.  It’s a simple email I send once a month, all about quilting.  To subscribe and receive your free pattern, click here.

I hope you enjoy making a Gleaned quilt of your own!

Happy Sewing,


A Dainty Show Up Quilt Top

I paired some softer colors with a favorite green floral to make a dainty Show Up quilt top.  It was fun to make something for a little girl.

Show Up is a 48″ version of my 72″ Serve Quilt Pattern, and the smaller size is included in the pattern.  My first version of Show Up was bold:

I toned down the color in this new one and made it more feminine.  I love the way the corner stars look like little white flowers, or a crown of daisies around the star.

The Serve and Show Up quilts are a fun pattern to make – a great way to master half rectangle triangles WITHOUT a special ruler.  Learn a simple trimming technique and you’re on your way!

I’m revisiting the Serve pattern next month. I’ll teach how to make this pattern at The Quilted Beehive, a darling quilt shop in Ogden Utah.  Their new classroom space is awesome. If you will be in Utah on September 21st, I would love for you to join us!  You can make whichever size you prefer.

But, back to my dainty show up quilt top.  I’ll quilt it and send it off to a sweet baby girl born recently.  Hopefully she, as well as her lovely mom, will enjoy it.

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