Water and Sky Quilt II

Six months ago I made my first Water and Sky quilt , as I call it.  I pieced a second quilt top which has hung patiently in my closet since then.  I finally got around to quilting it this week.

I quilted it the same way I did the first one, and pieced a similar back for the second one as well.

I didn’t even change the binding.  I still had a roll of the gray dots binding made so I used it again and love it.

I love the bright colors of this quilt which remind me of the ocean.  I’m also happy to have finished another unfinished project.  Two quilts from one fat quarter bundle.  Not bad!

The Carrot Seed and Old Windows

One of my all-time favorite childrens books is a little one written in the 1950’s.  The carrot seed by Ruth Krauss is an absolute treasure.  It tells the simple story of a boy who plants a carrot seed, then waters it diligently and carefully weeds around it while his entire family looks on telling him “it won’t come up.”

But he doesn’t quit.  He continues to tend his seed patiently until one day…

I love this story.  I love reading it to my children.  It speaks of acting in faith, believing in yourself when others don’t, of the law of the harvest.  I have also dreamed for years of somehow hanging this book in my home as a reminder to us all.  I hesitated, however, worried about the number of picture frames it would take.

Last year a friend gave us a beautiful set of two old windows.  Painted a beautiful butter yellow, they each have six panes.  One day the light went on in my head and I rushed to my copies of The Carrot Seed to count pages.  Sure enough, I could do it.   It took two copies of the book (purchased years ago from Scholastic for 99 cents each).

I cut the binding off the books and carefully taped the pages to the backs of the windows.  And now, on two old windows, we have the entire story hanging in the toy room.  It makes me smile to peek in and see the children reading it while they play.  Exactly what I hoped for.

A simple way to hang an entire book, and the windows add character and interest to the room.   Most importantly, we’re reminded daily to keep working on those good seeds we’ve planted in life.  Eventually they will come up.


Just Married

I mentioned on Sunday that I got to help with the cutest wedding idea ever.  Parker and Karissa got married on Saturday and instead of driving away together, they rode away on their bikes.  I got to help decorate the bikes before the wedding which was really fun.

I loved that the bride and groom were so relaxed and happy on their wedding day.  No stress, or at least no visible stress.  They just seemed happy.

We decorated the handlebars of both bikes, added streamers to the bride’s wheels, and added the “Just Married” sign in the basket.  The groom’s bike got a short bow…

and a license plate.

It was such a cute idea, and perfect for this couple.

Doesn’t it just make you smile?


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