Delilah quilt top

Remember my quilt along blocks , the ones that drove me crazy?

Well, after finishing the Swoon quilt I decided I wasn’t allowed to do anything else until I also finished the sashing for these blocks.  I’m tired of having the stack of squares sitting on the table reminding me that I’m not done.

So, here it is:

I am grateful that the white pulls the squares together and makes it all work.  What an interesting quilt this is… I love it and hate it at the same time.

I have someone in mind for this quilt, but first I have to decide how to quilt it, which seems to be another puzzle for me.  I wish I was better at this….

Hopeful Homemaker

Swoon Quilt Top

Hooray!  The sashing is complete and I have a quilt top!

I’m not going to quilt this one myself.  It’s a little too big for my comfort, and I love it too much.  I’ve taken it to a quilter and chosen a pattern I’m quite excited about.

Finishing this project brings me to a lull of sorts in my sewing.   I have six different projects all tempting me and we’ll see which one rises to the top of the list!


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