It’s a Party! Pillow

When I finished this pillow I was giddy with excitement.

I actually had an idea that I’ve never seen before, executed it, and it turned out as cute as I pictured!

I can’t remember the last time that happened.

I made a bunch of miniature bunting flags, turned them right side out, and arranged them on my current favorite Kona solid:  ash.

White rick rack finishes it all off.  I love the way the colors look against the gray, and I can’t stop looking at how all the little flags hang on the pillow.  So cute.

The inspiration for this pillow came from this project .  With three little girls sharing the room, I’m trying to make some pillows that reflect each girl’s age, tastes, and how I feel about them.  This pillow is for my three year old.  She’s just a precious little thing, and at such a perfect age, she makes me want to celebrate every day.  I am so happy to be her mom,  so she gets a party pillow.

I was thinking what a cute pillow this would be for a nursery.  You could embroider the baby’s name and birth statistics in the top right corner of the pillow.  It would be a really cute gift.

As usual, I made this pillow with a zipper for easy washing and easy changing.

Like I said, I’m giddy about how cute it is.  And it looks great next to the other pillow I made, also.

Two down, lots more ideas to come.  We’ll see how much time I can find to experiment.  Meanwhile, we’ve got a happy three year old!

Jennifer Pillow submitted here .

Candy Swirl Pillow

I’ve been promising myself time to sew for weeks, but have deferred it over and over again for housework.  After a frustrating experience last night I went to my sewing table not caring a whole lot about what the house looked like.

And this is what I made.

I’m calling it the candy swirl pillow because it reminds me a little of a huge lollipop, all wrapped up with bright colors.

This was a great scrap project.  I used lots of little strips of fabric from my scrap bin.  They’re sewn in a spiral on a natural linen pillow top.  The swirl finishes at just over 1/4 inch wide.

For the backing I used a piece of my favorite print from Pillow & Maxfield’s Whimsy collection.  I fell in love with this collection when I was making this baby quilt and later with this one.
I think it works well with the whimsical spiral on the front and with the general color scheme as well.

As usual, I inserted a zipper in the bottom seam because I hate to store pillows.  A few years ago I invested in some high quality down pillow forms so I simply unzip and change them whenever I want.

I love the texture in this pillow; the linen top with cotton back.  When I sewed the thin strip on to make the swirl I sewed only down one edge, so there’s a little lip there that also adds dimension.

The only problem is where to put it!  It looks great in every place I’ve tried.  I’m super-pleased with the outcome.  It really wasn’t difficult to make, although the ironing and pinning to some time.  If you’d like a tutorial, shout it out and I’ll post one.

Do you see the cute little gray number in back?  I made that, too.  It’s up next .

Hopeful Homemaker

Postage Stamp Quilt Along

Phew.  I finished it.  Barely.

It’s a good thing there was a deadline of sorts on this project, or I’m not sure I would ever have finished sewing together countless rows of squares.  But the quilt top is now complete and I am very happy with it.

(The pictures are lousy.  I took them at sunset and have yet to invest time in learning how to really edit and manipulate photos.   I’ll take better ones when the quilt is finished.)

I was worried that I wouldn’t like this quilt, but it turns out there was no need for worry.

I love it.  It’s beautiful.  And it was made with fabric that’s been sitting in a drawer for too long.

I’ve become much better at straight line quilting, but have yet to learn free motion quilting.  I think this is the quilt to learn on.

If I can muster the courage…


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