Lone Star Party! {a finished quilt}

Who wants to party alone?  In this quilt, the lone star officially has friends, and I love the way they look together.  Like a sky full of stars, the lone star party is an improv collection of seven different sized lone star blocks.

With a white background, the quilting is difficult to photograph but I love how Melissa of Sew Shabby Quilting interpreted my request for movement between the stars.

She also quilted each star beautifully.

It’s gorgeous and I’m grateful for such beautiful quilting.


I used a Melody Miller print for the backing and another Cotton and Steel print for the binding.

As I mentioned when I shared the quilt top , this idea had been in my head for a long time.  It is so gratifying to bring a mental picture to life and have it work the way you hoped.  This quilt is a new favorite for sure!

For more lone star photos, including my detailed step-by-step tutorial for making a lone star of your own, visit my lone star page .  You will also find a free PDF with cutting instructions to make lone star blocks in 8 different sizes.  It’s a bold, dramatic block that is a lot of fun to play with!

Thanks for visiting!

Big Charming Quilt

I’ve had a mini rainbow on my bed all winter long.  We added a quilt for another layer of warmth this winter, and on the gray days it’s warmed my heart to see these bright colors.

The pattern is Big Charming by Denyse Schmidt, and it’s made with one of the large charm packs from her solids collection.  I love the simplicity of this quilt, a pop of color surrounded by solids.  For the solid I used Essex Yarn Dyed Linen in Steel.  I love the texture of the yarn dyed linen, and the quilt has been the perfect weight on cold nights.

Modern Loops is the name of the quilting design and I love the simple beauty it adds to the quilt.  I’ve been reflecting this week on how fortunate I am to live in a world with such beauty and color, both natural and man-made.  When I get to sew with these lovely fabrics I sometimes feel a little emotional – I am so grateful for the color and beauty in my day to day life!

I hope your day is filled with beauty, and that you have eyes to see it clearly.  We are so blessed!

Catenary – a new project

All of a sudden I can’t get enough of needle turn applique.

So, naturally, I started another project.

This is Carolyn Friedlander’s Catenary quilt pattern.  Soon after I finished up the Aerial grove quilt top I was choosing fabric for this one and it’s a color scheme I’m really excited about.  I’m learning that needle turn applique takes some time to cut, pin and baste in place.  Honestly, I think that’s the hardest part – the tedium of getting it all ready so you can actually start sewing!  A good exercise in patience, I suppose.  Still, I must admit that stitching those lovely arches makes me a little giddy.  They actually look good!  {I was obviously worried about my skills for this one.}

This stack of carefully ironed fabric is the bulk of the quilt.  I’m opting to cut the arches and prep each strip after I finish the previous one so I don’t risk any fraying or stretching of the fabrics while they wait their turn.  Even though the prints are wrong side up in this photo, I love this pretty stack.  It always amazes me that a quilt can start so small, in this tiny stack of ordered pieces.

Much of my hand sewing is done in the car while I wait for my children.  I was quite happy to discover that the entire project fits perfectly, pattern and all, in a pretty little tin I bought at IKEA last year.  {Please tell me I’m not the only person who sometimes buys lovely containers just because, with no plan in mind for them. What is it about them?  I always want more!}

I’m on the second of fourteen strips for this quilt and I find myself enjoying every stitch.  These small successes have given me confidence to start on other Carolyn Friedlander patterns that I’ve loved but not felt skilled enough to start.  I would love to make this the year that I use every one of the patterns I’ve purchased from her.

Have you ever tried hand applique?  If so, do you enjoy it?  I definitely think there are some stages in life that work better for it. When my children were babies and toddlers I always had someone on my lap; a needle and thread would have never worked.  But as our family gets a little older I find that I can sit and stitch while they all do their homework – it keeps me in one place to answer questions, check accuracy, and make sure they finish, while still doing something I enjoy.  We’re all together and all productive.  I like that.

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